where everything grows,
but no one should go where I've gone.
Tonight i won't come back,
to save you from the lost.
He dreams at the doorway,
without ever going in,
but no one should see what I've seen,
Tonight if you rely on me,
you will fall.
He breaks the sky from the ground,
Its where he looks for me,
but i won't be found.
Tonight i will learn to love you much better,
Someday i will make you mine.
But not tonight,
not tonight.
(for those rather misinformed about the CJC crest)
Well as everyone has been harping about orientation and how lame/awesome/crappy/boring it was, CJCIANS HAVE BEEN HAVING A HELL OF A TIME. And no i'm not just saying that to promote my school.
We sure do have the kinkiest games. How many schools actually have games
Some unforgettable orientation moments (cause i'm lazy to write everything down, like that.)
1. Seeing our IG facil called Moses (i kid you not.) prance around in his birthday suit as the love angel, commonly known as Cupid. Red wings sprouting out of his back and the very unrealistic eight-pack made it even more of a hoot.
2. Watching stephanie sharing a spagetti stick with some other dude, MOUTH-TO-MOUTH. by the way, it doesn't hurt to mention that the stick was about 5cm long. Hmmm.
3. Antagonizing Sarah G by sitting next to Eagle boy TWICE in a single week. Tis is fate.
4. Clocking this ah lian with my paddle after she called all the girls in my boat 'BITCHES' just because we won the dragon boat race. Up yours!
5. Having dance partners who have zero flexibility and two left feet. One of them actually slapped my face when we were supposed to go in the opposite direction.
6. Plunging my whole face into a plate of pink paint while playing PAINT TWISTER with my IG. It just involves a massive white sheet and plates of dye (that does not come out even after hours of scrubbing) in place of the coloured circles. Amusing.
7. Watching that stupid video about flying geese going Honk Honk Honk, and seeing the teachers trying not to laugh since it was supposed to be an 'educational' video.
8. Getting scolded by the stuffy old hag of a librarian. It was ironic because she actually yelled 'Can you all stop talking?!', so amy and I started laughing like mad. So we got kicked out. Boohoo.
9. By the way, made some awesome new friends like Amethyst, Tiara and Mosquito, because bizarre names are supposedly 'IN' right now.
10. Three girls dragged me to go join modern dance so hell, i just signed up for it and agreed to go for the audition. Who knows, maybe I'll ace it and become an international ballet dancer. Another observation: MODERN DANCERS ALL LOOK THE SAME. so i will defy the odds :D watch me.
Unfortunately, our facils neglected to bring a camera around, so there were no snapshots of us covered in mud/paint/dead fish. Just some random photos, credits to clare, the resident camwhore.

Anyway before we got to the sob-sob part, it was really fun to see everyone in different uniforms and talking about our orientations, but still manage to get along so well! Cause we're cool and awesome :D

Yeap that aside. I'm so glad the whole drama on class transfers and combinations and stupid bald teachers IS OVER. Want to thank god for helping me through the week and helping me make all the right decisions! And mom who was actually willing to come all the way down to CJC to fight with brother paul. THANKS MOM.
Also, I love saying that i am now in 'College' and going for 'lectures'. Yes, it is a bit childish and i'm sure the novelty will wear off soon but for now... have fun everyone!
See ya'll in a bit.
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