and my heart's losing itself to sleep
Today he's gone to seed.
Losing touch with the hurricane streets,
our souls gone to slumber.
I try to move forward,
but he kisses me,
How brilliant it is when he kisses me.
and that's enough said,
It's enough a story told.
menopausal old hag. And with good reason too.
Today during linguistics, she took out all our assignments and started tossing about insults about how amateur we are and how we should just drop out of linguistics and go poly etc etc all the shite we are already used to hearing. Then suddenly she threw down KW's paper and hurled more insensitive things about him and how useless he is. I kid you not. She actually said the piece of work was rubbish and that he should get out of her linguistics class and showed the whole class the big fat 'E' she slashed across it.
Tell me, how do you enjoy a subject when you hate the one who's supposed to guide you to a distinction? I swear you could hear whispers of 'Bitch!' echoing throughout the class throughout the entire lesson. But obviously she was oblivious to it because all she ever hears is the sound of her own voice, telling us how intelligent she really is and how we are just mere footnotes at the corner of her bum. Had to hold Jullian down because he was about to give mrs sng a real ass-whipping.
Screw you, we're gonna ace linguistics, mrs sng.
I think i actually miss mr poh. Good heavens.
*****************end rant.
Was almost late for school today! Stupid git of a bus driver obviously saw me running after his 154 bus like a loony and couldnt wait five more seconds. Didn't help that all the working people/students were staring, all bug-eyed.
So for my first editorial assignment, i have to write a piece about the PRC scholars conference currently being held in CJC. In other words = TALKING AND INTERVIEWING AND TRANSLATING IN CHINESE. Cow's bum.
Today we also celebrated Oliver's birthday. YES. okay. Dayna was stupid enough to heap up whipped cream on the cake, which melted by the time Oliver got there. I was also stupid enough to put too much whipped cream in my mouth and then spit it all out on the floor + an unfortunate few. Hilariousity. Than oliver wanted to play us a song on the piano and we were like o_O, but since its his birthday, we oblidged and heard him play the 'Maple Leaf' song for about 84875628years before he stopped and we all ran to class.
Got drenched in the rain today. It was fun. I slipped a bit at the bustop, but i'm hoping nobody saw that.
Adam lambert is hot hot shizzle! Who has very good skin, i noticed. Tiara loves him too! YAY! go lambert fans!
Goodnight all :D
You lied for two whole years. How do you think we feel?