but the words hold our pieces together,
Fragments that our fingertips cannot quite manage.
You don't know,
but our heart's are crescendo,
In this moonlight,
is it so hard to just be ourselves?
If i could find out how,
i would, i could.
But what am i finding out,
Sorry but i forget.
Wow today's paper was more difficult then i expected.
'BIRTH'?! i mean, could the EL department think of a HARDER narrative topic to for us gaping, mind-wiped students to write about? I think not.
Regardless i still pick narrative over anything else.
This is mostly due to the fact that my mind cannot configure to such a structure that exposition commands, especially in the confines of a Hall. Being right at that back doesnt help because you can see everyone scratching at their papers furiously and at amazing speeds while i stone repeatedly at the question paper.
The result: a totally irrelevant story on that ridiculous topic, rattling on about drunk red indians and kabla drumming. I know, there goes the first failure.
The only saving grace to this insanity is that i managed to guess what the letter-writing sentence was. It was something about food inflation at the coffee shops and stuff, which meaning i managed to snag by the skin of my teeth. Because i saw the word 'shi wu' and 'ka fei dian'. Inference, inference, PEOPLES! its how chinese illiterates like yours truly can get through chinese papers.
Went back home to study.
My younger sister is such a irritant.
Freaking bug who doesnt know when to mind her own business. And i'm not just saying this because of one incident.
I mean, you can't get any lower then this. And to think i respect her enough to not pry in her dwiddly-little notebooks she calls her 'diaries', when she just doodles candid drawings in them and changes it every other week. How could she break the unwritten law of not going through MY STUFF. I should just ravage all of her 'private' stuff and post it up because she DESERVES it. but because she has actually admitted to commiting such a heinous crime and promised not to do it anymore, i will not.
My mind is still reeling from what she did. IMPOSSIBLE.
Goodnight all.
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