Sometimes caffeine can soothe your nerves just a tiny bit, enough to get you through another revision paper and tuition sessions. And now we need all the help we can get.
Was too exhausted to do anything except to hibernate at an early hour of eleven. So woke up at five o clock to do history paper in case mdm chan's unpredictable moods call upon us to read out our answers. Yes, i do keep the most ghastly of sleeping hours. Just in case you were wondering why i update my facebook account or why i tag your board at that ungodly hour.
I suspect its a weird, contradicting disease of insomia and fatigue.
Must be the gallons of soda that give you just a temporary burst of adrenaline.
This morning however, didnt need any adrenaline to keep exco running.
The unreasonable explantions given weren't even adequate. How can you put us in such a terrible position and make the entire school think of us as not trustworthy? So much for leaders. We are not allowed to speak our minds because if we do, you'll put us down no matter what. And for what? To save your face.
I abhor it.
What can meer students like us do but to grin and bear it? so much for everyone having an opportunity to voice out opinions and to actually have a stake in decision making for our school. It seems too often, nowadays, that our positions have been made redundant and our perspectives not even in the least considered.
Receive letter from a bryan impersonator[CHER-YAN]. Its these little things that make your mood slightly better and gives you a reason to laugh a bit. Therefore, inspired simply by Ms Kang's little rant on how the entire letter-writing tradition has gone down the drain, picked up a pen and scrawled a messy reply back. However, i prefer not to steal Sharon's lover/pen-pal away from her. XD
Put that aside, we have studying to worry about. or in my case, the absolute lack of it.
House of bread at four plus, where we had our lunch/dinner. Of [surprise surprise] bread.
Went crazy over the foccacia bread and pondered on buying some thick pumpernickel and slather it with butter for dinner. After the mere hour of physics, it is not incomprehensible that we started to walk around the store to stretch and find an excuse to disturb the rather over-powered counter lady. I bet she was a bit frightened too, when i asked her whether she could give us free stuff XD excuse me, but we were probably the biggest customers they had all year.
Comparing houses around Jalan Pari Area.
LOL walking back was freaking hilarious. I wanted to go down that ramp thing for handicapped people for fun but the funsuckers, SAL and Janna wanted to go by the normal, boring way. So while i zig zagged haphazardly around the bends, they dashed to the traffic light and tried to 'lose' me. HA! but poor janna was all too slow and almost collapsed in the middle of the road. and then ALL OF US did, on the cold tarmac concrete of school grounds.
SAL: To the Spiral staircase!! hurry!
Stacy: You bunch of doods, wait for me![tiny screech still at the zigzag staircase.]
Janna: I cant- go on.... i cant do it!
SAL: OMG she's catching up! hurry up!
A math was alright but too short a time to get some real work done.
After going home spent all night thinking about the sleepover the Faith's i am currently missing. sheesh. Foregone, an important ritual, like as lizzeh said, a catholic feels about missing lent.
Got home and did amath questions ARGH its hard to do it. math is so not my forte.
What a weekend it will be.
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