Its time likes these where you have so much to say
but the words don't find themselves
and you're left there with nothing but tears and a million memories.
Perhaps i'm not the greatest speaker or writer,
but i do try.
Listening to: Flyleaf's Fully Alive
Before all the depressing shite and whatsit, i present to you international friendship day pictures. Which we pulled off pretty well, i must say.After lugging all the 'equipment' to school, it was perhaps, all worth it XD
XQ the farmer.
We are BANJO KIDS.[not wannabe farmers!!]
Amanda what on earth are you?! haha.
Aside from that whole PE drama thing, plus enduring incredibly boring physics lesson[XQ counted the heads on the tabletop by the half hour ended, and it reached ELEVEN!], everything else was funn.
Oh and then we showed the powerpoint thing. GAH. emotions never ran well with me, i can safely say that. Overall it was just very touching and sad. Yes, my description lacks depth, but then again its times like these where words don't speak enough.
So just to say a few words, really hope that your new committee will guide the band through all kinds of obstacles and tou'll all work together. With the sec fours, there were so little of us planning everything that it was waay too tiring. But now with to manny people assisting, its best you make full use of your manpower to strive for the best results.
It seems that over the years, Band has not merely been a CCA, but an identity as well. Now that we're without it, i think we all feel a bit lost. Fear not! back we come for july concert
At least now, i get to take a deep breath and concentrate on the midyears. I need to cash in on the reality checks now. Put aside the emotions and in my mother's opinion, DISTRACTING music, its about time to take out the mugging manual. Say goodbye to music practices and mocha fraps at starbucks, hello late nights and swimming in midnight oil.
Rushing like a mad person from home to bustop to the max pavillion. Aveline, ze shy girl almost couldnt[i shall use the colloquial way of englsh speaking here] tahan the social issues of sitting in a cab with three other, rather weirdly dressed sec fours. I place all the blame on Renee and her COWGIRL getup. Not as if that wasnt enough, but the hat with the blue sash really did the trick, nay? XD
And then a mad flurry of phonecalls, text messages and ticket problems. Was really overjoyed when i settled next to patricia, renee and LIZZEH when the clock struck eight.
When i scratched Liz in a state of absolute insanity. RAWRR.
Next day went for tuition at nine in the morning[not nine in the afternoon, dear Panic! whoops, i mean Panic. sounds alot more dreary now, doncha think?] has a major epiphany when i was practising binomials and realised how much time i had left to revise for the upcoming mid years. I swear i could just die. Really.
Having some mother-daughter bonding lunch time. Showed mom some pictures of IFD and i told her we got a few cows. Without reaching the picture of geraldine and judy, she commented quite casually,
"Oh, i suppose Geraldine must have been one of them."
I see you infamy has spread far and wide over the bedokian plains, gerry.
Church/music practise did little to calm my nerves. In short, i shall say: LUKI COME BACK TO SINGAPORE! now you know we miss you dreadfully, big-headed, small-eyed freak! And bring them krispy kreme boxes along with you.
We need to stop jennifer from having one of those camwhore moments.
I think this is one of the coolest five-string basses ever.
New ride cymbal. 'Sabian' it!
And why on earth are my shoes tacky and not those -pua-chu-kang-style-construction-worker-ked-sneakers unfashionable?!
Concert at New Life Community. What an awesome experience.
Edrick. Is that how ya spell it? And you though he could only SING bass in myanmar. Pretty darn good!
Lizzeh: Work it work work that SOUND WAVES oohh.
What was so darn weird was the smoke machines. Aside from the fact that the smoke drifted out of an unseen source[i am presuming somewhere between the marshall amps and the front row], it smelled funky, like mouldy cabbage, and made us all choke while breathing. Perhaps re-used car exhaust? i pray not.
Okay, many, apparently.
I've hit rockbottom.
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