Sorry for the extremely long hiatus. Mid year exam stress has been preventing me from journaling and blogging. It been a hurricane that i have unfortunately been drawn into and god knows when this madness will cease.
The two hours of free periods was pure bliss. A well deserved break. I suppose it has been the long hours of drilling and hearing to droning lectures that made us enjoy the short period of rest so much, by shouting, singing LOW at the top of our voices. The Modern, making-merry.
Folded all the ties in the bus and played lame games on ph's phone. Educational, si? 
Assembly line! I swear shifting instruments up isnt as easy as it seems.

small black blur at bottom: Pohun's gargutan head!
Marimba trouble! This one gave us so much headache.

More shifting of instruments when we got back home. flowers, thank yous, and what not. Back to school, anbd me and mary got the job of being lift operator! unfortunately, it isnt exactly as good as it looks. Marilyn's foot became the literal 'footing' for the golden vibes and the xylos. I swear she started to scream so loud that the lift started to shake and tremble beneath my very feet. Went back at a stifling 12:30, much to the displeasure of mdm kee.

Roll it, rooo rooooll it.

Someone decides to get a facelift. literally. BEWARE THE ALEX-FIED!
ah ha. pretty now, si?
the 'famous' fish n chips. so called.
How terrifying. if it was me i would have melted.
It was really great.
Something, AHHEM HAPPENED, right before we went on. so embarrasing. that stupid cherie kept pointing it out and letting out snorts... gah! We performed just two songs, which was pretty good, i thought.
Caught Mel, jen and nick at the interval. Apparently, nick was so bored he left at the interval. Mann. thanks for coming anyway
Came to school at 930 the next day. Not at all refreshed and still sleepy-eyed. The fact that 2.4 was coming up right after school did not help in the least bit, but managed to stumble through the rest of the school day. Clare you poor girl who keeps getting picked on. Perhaps if you dont be so gungho and make theat 'CLARE-face' everytime he/she calls your name and gives a pathetic stare, it'll all stop.
Went to XQ's house to dump our stuff and the load of shoes. eight people and two cabs! Her house has one too many stairs, i should think.
2.4 was terrible. its one of those times where your heart feels like its gonna fall right out of your butt at the starting line but then it stops halfway and starts to palpitate at amazing speeds after a mere 400 metres and your lungs are about to implode with the lack of air and you can't take it any longer but there's still so long a track left to go. And then its over.
Shoe business soon after that. what we get for toiling like sick dogs? nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Bathed and ate pizza.
XQ accidently said 'Oh my neighbour FURTHER DOWN ME has paint.'
Gen answered quite nonchalantly, 'Oh yeah must be your, SPECIAL friend.'
HILARIOUS TIMES, i tell you.
I think XQ had some leftover heat from 2.4 which compelled her to heave a paint bottle up and throw it at Sam peck, hitting her square in the chest so hard, that the resounding thud echoed across the walls of the bedroom. LOL. xq, xq. thanks for being such a great host though... cabbed back with patty.
Next day saturday there was tuition in the morning! music practise straight after that which i was mightily late for... apologies to all. Kor andry was back and rocking it. too bad the press conference couldnt be arranged in time before the busy man flew off to myanmar. Miss his wife-to-be, i reckon.
Basketball/baking after that.
Mark and Kelvin sat at the opposite ends of the backseat. Because....
Decided to give bball a miss due to massive muscle cramp attacks from 2.4. Baking is actually not that bad.
Our arranged cinnamon rolls.
And the apple cake! which doesnt looks like the most appetizing thing now.
Therefore final impression of baking: Involves alot of smearing butter on each other's necks, blowing flour and wearing fancy aprons for the hell of it.
Whilst awaiting oven to do its magic.
We played so much that the glass table was on the verge of being broken. SHared a cab back with mel and ains after everything.
Sunday Kelvin had to give his speech.
Mark bought the TWLOHA shirt! and so did his dad. uncle phillip was wearing the Casey Calvert edition[which i very much doubted he knew who mr casey was] When i went up to him and pointed to the TWLOHA logo at the back and laughed, he responded by kissing Aunty Anna's forearms. Massive breakout in laughter.
Bio SPA was alright.
I do wish we could have that time to talk with ms voon and splurge every thing out. Seeing that she's one of the few that can actually relate to, she would have understood.
a tragic result of tuesday's game. MUAAHAHAHHAHA. being called the queen by a mass gang of loyal followers does have its certain perks. Its been fun. Rankings will be posted by tmr!! work hard, chambermaids, gardeners and lady-in-waitings! Stace-dom is in your hands XD
International Friendship day will hopefully be a fervous success. I pray.
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