Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Besides the absolutely precious blackstar-fender limited edition[if you bothered to notice], the picture above is put up for no other purpose but to prove to Claudia that Josh Farro has more moobs than the average american. Then a average SUMO WRESTLER. check it out! never noticed?

TWO LANGUAGE PAPERS DOWN. The school's teachers are obsessed with birth. First is was that horrible narrative topic and then the comprehension about declining birth rates. Perhaps its a hint for tomorrow's SS paper...?? ** major flipping. Chinese paper was bad as usual. I thought the comprehension was about shields until i heard a bunch of good ol' cheenany people saying it was about CAGES. ah well.

and now its the first HUGE hurdle, social studies. I've never been good at memorising lines of test on globalisation and citizenship rights.

One thing about being at the back of the exam hall is the fact that the boards creak unbearably beneath our feet, and whenever a teacher walks past[especially one with loud heels XD or laced up boots.] it feels like the floor is going to cave in beneath us.

The weather has been fry-egg-on-asplat-hot that even going down to buy stationary at NIGHT results in beads of sweat on my forehead. Air conditioning, even, fails to compensate for the heat.


Yes its that heat that attracts these usually mild-mannered creatures to enter our humble homes and flit 'harmlessly' around our flourescent lights. Unfortunately, the ants happen to be quite dim-witted invertebrates, and have a rather unfortunate habit of electrocuting itselves against the electric circuits. Its bad enough that they terrorise our houses and fly at ridiculously heights, and now we have to pick up tens of their fried corpses.

That's my way of saying i really really miss the rain.

today mom came in when i was studying[attempting to] and we had a stupid conversation.

Mom: Eh mei, let me ask you something...
Me: [mildly irritated because of infuriating weather] what?!
Mom: when you're studying right... do you only absorb half of what your friends do?
Me: umm... i dont know-
Mom: because you only have one eye! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Very funny mom.
Alright one last recap on SS topics. As far as i know, my emath is down the drain. Goodbye vectors and probability diagrams.

Monday, April 28, 2008

We are broken,
but the words hold our pieces together,
Fragments that our fingertips cannot quite manage.
You don't know,
but our heart's are crescendo,
In this moonlight,
is it so hard to just be ourselves?

If i could find out how,
i would, i could.
But what am i finding out,
Sorry but i forget.


Wow today's paper was more difficult then i expected.
'BIRTH'?! i mean, could the EL department think of a HARDER narrative topic to for us gaping, mind-wiped students to write about? I think not.

Regardless i still pick narrative over anything else.
This is mostly due to the fact that my mind cannot configure to such a structure that exposition commands, especially in the confines of a Hall. Being right at that back doesnt help because you can see everyone scratching at their papers furiously and at amazing speeds while i stone repeatedly at the question paper.

The result: a totally irrelevant story on that ridiculous topic, rattling on about drunk red indians and kabla drumming. I know, there goes the first failure.

The only saving grace to this insanity is that i managed to guess what the letter-writing sentence was. It was something about food inflation at the coffee shops and stuff, which meaning i managed to snag by the skin of my teeth. Because i saw the word 'shi wu' and 'ka fei dian'. Inference, inference, PEOPLES! its how chinese illiterates like yours truly can get through chinese papers.

Went back home to study.
My younger sister is such a irritant.
Freaking bug who doesnt know when to mind her own business. And i'm not just saying this because of one incident.


I mean, you can't get any lower then this. And to think i respect her enough to not pry in her dwiddly-little notebooks she calls her 'diaries', when she just doodles candid drawings in them and changes it every other week. How could she break the unwritten law of not going through MY STUFF. I should just ravage all of her 'private' stuff and post it up because she DESERVES it. but because she has actually admitted to commiting such a heinous crime and promised not to do it anymore, i will not.

My mind is still reeling from what she did. IMPOSSIBLE.

Goodnight all.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Where pleasure moments hung before.
The takeover, the sweeping insensitivity of this
still life.

Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth.
Mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs.
Speak no feeling, no I don't believe you.

what you say?
that you only meant well? Well, of course you did.
what you say?
that it's all for the best? Ah of course it is.
what you say?
that it's just what we need? And you decided this.
what you say?
What did she say?

The dust has only just begun to fall,
Crop circles in the carpet, sinking, feeling.
Spin me round again and rub my eyes.
This can't be happening.
When busy streets a mess with people
would stop to hold their heads heavy.

What did you say?
That you only meant well.

The before-exam-syndrome is beckoning. This week is one of the worsts so far, and its just the mid years. i can hardly imagine the stress level we'll be strung by during prelims, or worse, the dreaded Os. Strange, i've never seen people stresses to this extent. Perhaps its only us.

Last sunday luki came back and brought six boxes of donuts from Indonesia. The dozen doughnuts was really godsend, something nice to cheer me up. XD a million thanks.

Sarah's birthday celebration with church people at some jap restaurant. Not bad, really.

Lizzeh is back to the basics! some aljunied people came as well.

Due to too many camwhore pictures, five is the maximum i'm going to put up. The rest, we'll see. and behold, singapore's most ordered cake, the bengawan solo special! choc-a-bloc can hardly compete with the reasonably priced and the tum-yum factor.

And then the impromptu LIZZEH INVADES MUA HOUSE.
i do say i adore her kewl jacket.

Haha and its back to school on monday.

but you do get a lot more study done you know.

Maggie noodles are known to be peasant students' staple diet, which explains the growing number of hair care companies nowadays to cater to student has-beens.

Ruoen finds chemistry particularly hilarious.
the collapse!
taking a five-minute nap in this heat and stress can do wonders, i tell you.
I dont know how patricia manages to live in a house that has clocks on every wall to count down the seconds to the mid year exams. i, personally, would find it too overwhelming and be liable to suffer a nervous breakdown anytime.

the signs of stress start to show on 4.8ers faces.

Wednesday passed by all too quick that revision time just went down the drain. However, the bible study and prayer meeting with NY GEN group felt really awesome, a great time of spiritual fulfillment since lifenet stopped a couple weeks back. Hope to have more of these times of fellowship and bible reading soon. ITS FUN XD

apparently some people who walked past our class thought we were meditating, including mathea who was really petrified by us and stared for nearly a minute before asking what on earth we were doing. HAHA.

English lessons and fun, none the less, hella lot better than all the rest as uaual. went to Pat's AGAIN with SAL to do some a math[modulus function which basic techniques had to be learnt all over again.] went for sarah's birthday dinner with just our family at ajisen later on, which mom insisted i go even though she wants me to study. talk about a contradiction.

My fingertips have taken on quite a beating from too many weeks of playing on sunday and excessive personal guitar-sessions at home. Hopefully, these few weeks when i'm off will make the skin grow back into tough calluses like that instead of splitting up.

Saw the COOLEST GUITAR ever at yamaha. it was an ibanez Zs limited edition with a rock finish. I have set my eyes on a new goal. Which costs a hefty one thousand dollars, minus amps and effects.

Thursday was the longest day ever, our triple science day where all our teachers were trying to cram that last modicum of information into our already crammed minds so that we can actually produce reasonable results for MYES. no pressure, of course.

I swear, its already my second home.
I have learned where all her switches are and the bathroom mechanics[which is not an easy skill to learn at all!]. Went with Janna.

Patricia could give gen a run for her money in the 'unglam photo' section.
Studied till dinner time and went down to buy stuff to eat. Haha. Fish and chips for mua.

Pat has a bizzare fascination with trees.

Went back around nine plus. SHOCKING AMERICAN IDOL RESULTS. janna was tearing when her mom totally gave all of us a shock by hinting it was one of the davids who got out. But it wasnt, thank goodness. Carly shouldnt have been kicked out though, she was pretty darn good.

Andrew Webber is an old fogey with drawn on eyebrows. Mom has a massive crush on archuleta and is blinded by his boyish charms. Ah, to be young again, si?

Friday. Does anyone know how to spell BALLOON properly??

HAHA. not someone!

We had to stay back and paste our names on the chair. Finally, the sec fives chipped in helping us to shift the tables. Fr once, it wasnt just half of our class who stayed back to labour over the high stacks of tables and smelly gym mats.

Mr poh had a sudden change of heart[HAHA] and bought mixed fruit salad for everyone in our class as an anti-stress snack! it was nice XD thanks mr poh. the cards were cute as well.

Mr poh at his funniest.
So anyway, pats. for. the. fourth. day. in. row.

what can i say? it is a really productive place XD
Ah ha we tried to take pictures with the huge mirror in the living room and it turned out SOOO FUNNY.

this was supposed to be a 'sad' shot. LOOK AT AMANDA!!! her face is all squashed up like a crook's bum HAHA.

Then came the MOMENT. i broke Patricia's chair.

YES. what is it with me breaking [rather expensive] objects nowadays?! First the floor tom and then the antique chair. we were taking pictures when i leaned back and there was this splintering crack that echoed throughout the room and all of us were looking at each other in bewilderment. And then Pat half-yelled 'OH MY GOOODD... you broke my chair?!"

Thankfully, it was already breaking. this is god telling you its time to lose weight now.

us trying to fill in Janna's multiple dimples.
Got some SS chapters done, amanda left soon after that. Went down for dinner. Came back up and sat in the kitchen for two hours eating apples and talking amiably.

Janna trying to slap a beetle that scurried across the floor and interrupted out chat time

And pat picking it up.
Me and janna's showdown on the wall game. Suspending at 90degrees for the longest time. JANNA WON ME SO MANY TIMES. the video is hilarious, go watch it haha.

This is a winner's face.

Went home and studied alittle but none could go in.
Whoever coined te phrase TGIF didnt think of those friday evenings spent studying.

sat and sunday mooched around and crammed alot. didnt go for the confirmation. was particularly snappy towards anyone in the house today, a result of it being near-exams and it being the time of the month. *sigh.

Alright now to school for EL paper.
See you in two weeks.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sorry, this is a long outdated picture of Joy wearing XQ's mother's wig, credits to Amanda! Back in the days where we had actually time to play 'Queen and her loyal servants.' which was fun, not only because i was QUEEN[rawr!] but also because it was an excuse for us to let our hair down. Literally.

Thinking up of weird competitions was hilarious. XQ no doubt won that round and got upgraded from chambermaid all the way to lady-in-waiting! Wahahaha. perhaps we shall resume after mid years for the fun of it?

Today got my hair cut and studied at Pat's house. It was fun and pretty productive, unlike previous study sessions. I went to the doctors and got migrane medicine that will help me stop seeing double and some strong runny nose pills. Studied a little and watched Russell Peters' OUTSOURCED series, and i swear he's the one of the best stand ups around, put aside the racist jokes. Laughter is afterall, the best medicine.

These are a collected bunch of quotes, mostly from janna. She has this uncanny ability to remember whatever people say and type it out, while i laugh and put it away in my 45-second-memory-bank[which is where all the info during physics lessons go to, btw]. We should compile this bunch of funnies into a big book and sell it.

'After god, i love paramore the most.' -sorry, i speak the truth. But janna, amanda and SAL, you do come in a close third XD

'Clare, can you please not write one word and talk, write one word and talk, write...' -Mdm Ang trying to pull of an exasperated tone, but fails desperately. While the whole group of us burst into peals of laughter.

'How do you live with eyes poking your eyeballs?' Mdm chan says to the one-eyed monster. Oh course, she meant to say fringe, but this pun made us all laugh.

Study group at House of Bread last friday:

CLARE: I want to eat the cake thingy.
STACY: It's a muffin, CLARE!
CLARE: No, it's a cake thingy!
STACY: No, cakes are different from muffins!
CLARE: Muffins are made from cakes.
STACY: Yeah, like rice is made from noodles? [obviously a sarcastic remark]
CLARE: NO. Rice is made from wheat.

STACY: Aunty, can you give us free things?
AUNTY: (to Clare) Yeah, so I give you butter for your bread...
JANNA: Hahaha, she's ignoring you!
STACY: Aunty, can you give us free things?
Aunty stares at Stacy for a moment.
AUNTY: (to Clare) So yeah, you want this...
STACY: OMG! She's ignoring me again!

Night study later that day.

We meet Ms Kang in the library.
STACY: What are you doing here?
JANNA: It's not English night.
MS KANG: Don't you know I always stayback in school till late?
STACY: What do you do?
MS KANG: I work.
JANNA: Then why do other teachers get to leave early?
MS KANG: Because they're married, with kids, and they go home to their family.
SARAH: You're not married (mumbles) ...?
MS KANG: What did you say?
SARAH: Hahaha, nothing.
MS KANG: Better be nothing.
[just the way ms kang responded at the end made it hilarious.]

'Eh stacy can i ask you something... how do dinosaurs pee? i mean, do they like lift up one leg or what??' -Talk about being absolutely random Sarah anne. But its a good question none the less. that's one for the archelogists.

School tmr. Just awesome.
Currently plugged onto Neutral Milk Hotel's in an aeroplane over the sea of something as stable to get me through the week.

I am exhausted.

As if the fatigue is not enough, i also have the worst facking headache ever, which renders my body to do basic bodily functions, such as walk and talk at the same time. Although i believe thouself barely able to sit on this chair and type these words out [labourisely], i still have to go for tuition.

Yes i missed out on a math test, but there is no doubt that as i step into hell on earth tomorrow, i'll have to take it somehow.

So while studying has been no doubt the number one agenda on the long list of things to do, some time must be put aside for major mind-clearing. All work and no social life makes the average mugger a very sad person. So therefore, Sarah's birthday celebration at some Japanese restaurant with the church people on saturday, and a rather impromptu lizzeh-coming-over[this puts a whole new defination to the word self-invitation] to watch smokin' hot Gaspard Ulliel in a very long engagement. As a R21 rated show, i was very thankful for sheri being distracted by the her ditty-online-manga while we three sat on the couch laughing our heads off.

Pirated DVD quality did not do justice to us. Thus, Lizzeh cannot know the ending of AVLE. HA! shall not say at all.

I have written my very first letter to lizzeh, my first local penpal. It is a rather fulfilling sensation. I do miss the weeks of earnest waiting for a letter from Bex, mailed all the way from Yangon, tattered at the blue and red edges[lousy myanmar mailing system! tip the postman a little more bex!]. Will post it soon XD a rather good first attempt, i must say, minus the cursive VL writing and tacky formal english.

sorry but william beckett has gender issues! i will try to sketch him tho. it should prove to be an interesting past time.

Emilia says i havent been writing so much since i got my sony cam, which is rather true. So while a picture speaks a thousand words[and how i have a fondness of posting up more than one], it is best to return to the flat out basics.

I wish i had a piano. Those who do don't appreciate it enough, i say.

Friday, April 18, 2008

It has been such a long and dreary week.

Sometimes caffeine can soothe your nerves just a tiny bit, enough to get you through another revision paper and tuition sessions. And now we need all the help we can get.

Was too exhausted to do anything except to hibernate at an early hour of eleven. So woke up at five o clock to do history paper in case mdm chan's unpredictable moods call upon us to read out our answers. Yes, i do keep the most ghastly of sleeping hours. Just in case you were wondering why i update my facebook account or why i tag your board at that ungodly hour.

I suspect its a weird, contradicting disease of insomia and fatigue.
Must be the gallons of soda that give you just a temporary burst of adrenaline.

This morning however, didnt need any adrenaline to keep exco running.

The unreasonable explantions given weren't even adequate. How can you put us in such a terrible position and make the entire school think of us as not trustworthy? So much for leaders. We are not allowed to speak our minds because if we do, you'll put us down no matter what. And for what? To save your face.

I abhor it.

What can meer students like us do but to grin and bear it? so much for everyone having an opportunity to voice out opinions and to actually have a stake in decision making for our school. It seems too often, nowadays, that our positions have been made redundant and our perspectives not even in the least considered.

Receive letter from a bryan impersonator[CHER-YAN]. Its these little things that make your mood slightly better and gives you a reason to laugh a bit. Therefore, inspired simply by Ms Kang's little rant on how the entire letter-writing tradition has gone down the drain, picked up a pen and scrawled a messy reply back. However, i prefer not to steal Sharon's lover/pen-pal away from her. XD

Put that aside, we have studying to worry about. or in my case, the absolute lack of it.
House of bread at four plus, where we had our lunch/dinner. Of [surprise surprise] bread.

Quotes in the little white clay boats. Encouraging and nice to pick up and read.

My my. and amanda's first reaction was 'What's wrong? Potato Loaf what!' Janna gets points for spotting this error.

'Hey i want some of that cake-thing!' Its a muffin, CLARE.

Went crazy over the foccacia bread and pondered on buying some thick pumpernickel and slather it with butter for dinner. After the mere hour of physics, it is not incomprehensible that we started to walk around the store to stretch and find an excuse to disturb the rather over-powered counter lady. I bet she was a bit frightened too, when i asked her whether she could give us free stuff XD excuse me, but we were probably the biggest customers they had all year.

Comparing houses around Jalan Pari Area.
LOL walking back was freaking hilarious. I wanted to go down that ramp thing for handicapped people for fun but the funsuckers, SAL and Janna wanted to go by the normal, boring way. So while i zig zagged haphazardly around the bends, they dashed to the traffic light and tried to 'lose' me. HA! but poor janna was all too slow and almost collapsed in the middle of the road. and then ALL OF US did, on the cold tarmac concrete of school grounds.

Janna: "HEY! let's lose stacy!"
SAL: To the Spiral staircase!! hurry!
Stacy: You bunch of doods, wait for me![tiny screech still at the zigzag staircase.]

Janna: I cant- go on.... i cant do it!
SAL: OMG she's catching up! hurry up!


A math was alright but too short a time to get some real work done.
After going home spent all night thinking about the sleepover the Faith's i am currently missing. sheesh. Foregone, an important ritual, like as lizzeh said, a catholic feels about missing lent.

Whatever that means, i dont wanna know.
Got home and did amath questions ARGH its hard to do it. math is so not my forte.

What a weekend it will be.