Where pleasure moments hung before.
The takeover, the sweeping insensitivity of this
still life.
Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth.
Mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs.
Speak no feeling, no I don't believe you.
what you say?
that you only meant well? Well, of course you did.
what you say?
that it's all for the best? Ah of course it is.
what you say?
that it's just what we need? And you decided this.
what you say?
What did she say?
The dust has only just begun to fall,
Crop circles in the carpet, sinking, feeling.
Spin me round again and rub my eyes.
This can't be happening.
When busy streets a mess with people
would stop to hold their heads heavy.
What did you say?
That you only meant well.
The before-exam-syndrome is beckoning. This week is one of the worsts so far, and its just the mid years. i can hardly imagine the stress level we'll be strung by during prelims, or worse, the dreaded Os. Strange, i've never seen people stresses to this extent. Perhaps its only us.
Last sunday luki came back and brought six boxes of donuts from Indonesia. The dozen doughnuts was really godsend, something nice to cheer me up. XD a million thanks.

Sarah's birthday celebration with church people at some jap restaurant. Not bad, really.

Lizzeh is back to the basics! some aljunied people came as well.

Due to too many camwhore pictures, five is the maximum i'm going to put up. The rest, we'll see. and behold, singapore's most ordered cake, the bengawan solo special! choc-a-bloc can hardly compete with the reasonably priced and the tum-yum factor.

And then the impromptu LIZZEH INVADES MUA HOUSE.
i do say i adore her kewl jacket.

Haha and its back to school on monday.
but you do get a lot more study done you know.
Maggie noodles are known to be peasant students' staple diet, which explains the growing number of hair care companies nowadays to cater to student has-beens.

Ruoen finds chemistry particularly hilarious.

the collapse!

taking a five-minute nap in this heat and stress can do wonders, i tell you.

I dont know how patricia manages to live in a house that has clocks on every wall to count down the seconds to the mid year exams. i, personally, would find it too overwhelming and be liable to suffer a nervous breakdown anytime.
the signs of stress start to show on 4.8ers faces.

Wednesday passed by all too quick that revision time just went down the drain. However, the bible study and prayer meeting with NY GEN group felt really awesome, a great time of spiritual fulfillment since lifenet stopped a couple weeks back. Hope to have more of these times of fellowship and bible reading soon. ITS FUN XD
apparently some people who walked past our class thought we were meditating, including mathea who was really petrified by us and stared for nearly a minute before asking what on earth we were doing. HAHA.
English lessons and fun, none the less, hella lot better than all the rest as uaual. went to Pat's AGAIN with SAL to do some a math[modulus function which basic techniques had to be learnt all over again.] went for sarah's birthday dinner with just our family at ajisen later on, which mom insisted i go even though she wants me to study. talk about a contradiction.

My fingertips have taken on quite a beating from too many weeks of playing on sunday and excessive personal guitar-sessions at home. Hopefully, these few weeks when i'm off will make the skin grow back into tough calluses like that instead of splitting up.
Saw the COOLEST GUITAR ever at yamaha. it was an ibanez Zs limited edition with a rock finish. I have set my eyes on a new goal. Which costs a hefty one thousand dollars, minus amps and effects.
Thursday was the longest day ever, our triple science day where all our teachers were trying to cram that last modicum of information into our already crammed minds so that we can actually produce reasonable results for MYES. no pressure, of course.
I swear, its already my second home.
I have learned where all her switches are and the bathroom mechanics[which is not an easy skill to learn at all!]. Went with Janna.

Patricia could give gen a run for her money in the 'unglam photo' section.
Studied till dinner time and went down to buy stuff to eat. Haha. Fish and chips for mua.
Pat has a bizzare fascination with trees.
Went back around nine plus. SHOCKING AMERICAN IDOL RESULTS. janna was tearing when her mom totally gave all of us a shock by hinting it was one of the davids who got out. But it wasnt, thank goodness. Carly shouldnt have been kicked out though, she was pretty darn good.
Andrew Webber is an old fogey with drawn on eyebrows. Mom has a massive crush on archuleta and is blinded by his boyish charms. Ah, to be young again, si?
Friday. Does anyone know how to spell BALLOON properly??
HAHA. not someone!
We had to stay back and paste our names on the chair. Finally, the sec fives chipped in helping us to shift the tables. Fr once, it wasnt just half of our class who stayed back to labour over the high stacks of tables and smelly gym mats.
Mr poh had a sudden change of heart[HAHA] and bought mixed fruit salad for everyone in our class as an anti-stress snack! it was nice XD thanks mr poh. the cards were cute as well.
what can i say? it is a really productive place XD
Ah ha we tried to take pictures with the huge mirror in the living room and it turned out SOOO FUNNY.

this was supposed to be a 'sad' shot. LOOK AT AMANDA!!! her face is all squashed up like a crook's bum HAHA.
Then came the MOMENT. i broke Patricia's chair.
YES. what is it with me breaking [rather expensive] objects nowadays?! First the floor tom and then the antique chair. we were taking pictures when i leaned back and there was this splintering crack that echoed throughout the room and all of us were looking at each other in bewilderment. And then Pat half-yelled 'OH MY GOOODD... you broke my chair?!"
Thankfully, it was already breaking. this is god telling you its time to lose weight now.

us trying to fill in Janna's multiple dimples.
Got some SS chapters done, amanda left soon after that. Went down for dinner. Came back up and sat in the kitchen for two hours eating apples and talking amiably.

Janna trying to slap a beetle that scurried across the floor and interrupted out chat time

This is a winner's face.
Went home and studied alittle but none could go in.
Whoever coined te phrase TGIF didnt think of those friday evenings spent studying.
sat and sunday mooched around and crammed alot. didnt go for the confirmation. was particularly snappy towards anyone in the house today, a result of it being near-exams and it being the time of the month. *sigh.
Alright now to school for EL paper.
See you in two weeks.