Haven't you heard?
The sky's the limit
and we can make it or blanket,
the stars put on a show for you tonight.
Pour me a glass of that love
beneath the paris skies.
Post-promo week was enjoyable. Ironically more tiring than EVER, but hey, I'll take it over mugging any day.
MOTHER TONGUE CLINICS. - one word, ewww. Well I guess I should have seen this coming, from the E grade during MYEs and the S grade for EOYs. Funny thing was that when all the chinese failures were asked to assemble at the flag pole today, 90% of SACians were there. Some things, never change.
IT'S A CAT JOB. - started going to my Uncle and Aunt's house to help them feed their cats while they go off to USA last week. It is not easy, at all. Considering the massive size of the bungalow alone and the uncountable places, it takes eons to find all six cats. Even then, they are too lazy to lift their stomachs off the grounds and lumber over to their bowls. Diet of grilled prawns and smoked salmon, what do you expect?
THE ICE-CREAM DEBACLE. - Met Clauds at Eastwood while she was walking Sparks and we stopped by Ice Cream Gallery for, well, ice-cream. Two minutes later, Sparks had knocked over both our ice-cream cones and we were laughing our butts off. Stupid but irrestibly cute Jack Russells
UNEXPECTEDLY AWESOME JAZZ CONCERT - Henderson Trio came to town, so Nick Luk and I got cheap, nosebleed seats just the night before. Dinner turned out to b a dismal affair, when I dropped an entire tray of food in Soupsoon, and we left the tickets on the table, only to turn back and get the staff to burrow through their trash to find it. Turned out to be really great, since they let us move up to frontrow seats!
FIRST OF THE HALLOWEEN CELEBRATIONS. - Well pictures of pam's party are all over fb. Highlights included the not-so-slutty-nurse-costume, trying to make 'LOVE' with our bodies (HAHAHAH you'll see why) and Nat being retarded, as per usual :D

My guitar becoming a prop for the night


testing our the fake-jump theory.

NEW HIDEAWAY. -jammed all day on Saturday & Sunday at Fontaine's. We need to get a camera, pronto (too bad none of us are all up for photos). Mom got into a hissy fit cause I came back pretty late, or early. COME ON, its post promos!
. HARD-ROCK-IN' CAFE. - interview yesterday. Tiara picked me up from Tanah and her dad drove us to Orchard's HardRock branch (with Suat and Kieran in tow). The place is AMAZING. Guitars from Nine Inch Nails, Steve Vai and Joe Satrini... mindblowing. And the signed autographs of the Beatles on the walls. Hope everything works out :D
PROMOTIONAL RESULTS. - nerve-wrecking, to say the least. Got GP back today and it was pretty good... but I don't have a good feeling about tomorrow. Whatever happens, happens.
PW. - SHINGZ. I hate hate hate PW almost screamed during the four-hour stint of Oral presentation today and discussion. It doesn't help when half your team mates don't come up with good ideas. Sometimes feel like you're having a conversation with yourself. LAST LEG!
10. um okay out of things to say but '10' seems like a nice enough number to stop.
Catching up on GG, HIMYM and Grey's. Also watching too many Oh! Mikey vids, and laughing alone in my bedroom like a maniac. Well life's is hectic for now and the pressure can bust a pipe, but we hold it together.
Wordy post! Good luck for tomorrow, everyone :D