the two most beautiful words
in the English language.
Days spent dreaming
and the nights spent believing,
in something
that's worth remembering.
I didn't know anyone could smell
like sunshine, that is,
till I met you.
He's magic,
don't disappear like the seasons do,
take my heart with you.
Liberation is a sweet thing.
Being one of the thirty-four JC1 students to come for the linguistics paper was depressing.
500 days of Summer with C2 and Cheryl on the other hand, was absolutely wicked.

500 days of Summer presents a love story that is apart from other chick flicks of our generation; it tells the story with sheer reality. The average cliches; oh, like eyes meeting across a room, or falling in love at a record stall actually turns around and bites you in ass (or p*nis! kudos to those who have already watched it and catch the inside joke.)
The true magic of the show however, is found through the unique narrative style. From the clear deviation away from the chronologically-told story, the intricate weaving of silent-film-like flashbacks, and the simplistic but adorable sketches (Tom is after all, an architect.), everything is told in such a captivating manner that regardless about how you feel about the ending, you leave the theater with a smile on your face.
Of course, there's the hero and heroine which you fall in and out of love with. Personally, from the minute Summer Finn (Zooey Deschanel) declared that Ringo was her favourite Beatle, I adored her character. Okay, so she may have proven to be the ultimate b*tch in the end, but that's what the story is all about. The heartless heroine shatters the boy's heart and he tries to reassemble it.
And that's where Joseph Gordon-Levitt comes in. First-screen impressions really do count for alot, and when I say him in the first scenes, I couldn't help but think inwardly 'What?! That skimpy lass is Zooey's love interest? He looks like a downsized-Chandler!' That's right. Bad vests, skinny shoulders and lined face, Joseph doesn't look like the average hero. Then again, Tom Hanson is not an easy role to play. It doesn't sound appealing, but within minutes his natural charm just gets to you. Except well, if you're weird like Cheryl, the charm NEVER gets to you.
Be warned though, if you're expecting a love extravaganza and happy endings, this is not the flick. 500 days of summer is afterall, not a love story, but a story about love. And who knew it would be so different? I definitely prefer the likes of the latter.
Fame with tiara and yiwen afterwards, was disappointing. Screw the two fat twats behind us who made a hella lot of noise and scoffed at Tiara The She-Man when she told them to keep it down.
Quoting Yiwen, walking down orchard road and sipping a blend at starbucks feels great. And not just because you're on the way home after school, or cause you're in for another cram session at the nearest coffeehouse. Haha
Off to meet sarah liz and joy! For a rather impromptu movie. Did I mention, I'm watching 500days again? :D
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