Jazz@southbridge was a great experience, although I'm certainly getting a better drink when we go there next time. A round of musical chairs later, Joshua came and being the 'internationally-crowned-electone-player', we got some really really good tips for the band. Currently looking for a saxophonist/pianist, anyone?
Breakfast-turned-lunch with tiara pris and azriel atIkea today which I nearly couldn't wake up for, due to last night's marshmallow smoothie ventures and what not. It was fun. 'Honey, out sinks are broken!' Cause there's always something to buy from Ikea :)
Ooer, did I mention I got hired by my crazy aunty and uncle to feed their 2947429cats, whilst they fly back to USA to meet my uncle's parents for the first time in their married life of two decades? But I digress. Plus, Tiara's dad may be getting us jobs at Hard Rock Cafe! Fingers crossed! Here's to awesome free gigs and um, wiping drunk-tourists-puke-off-the-floor.
Also hit Fontaine's, somewhere near clarke quay with Cal and the girls, a final hurrah before we get back to the mundanity of PW (geewhiz) and Chinese (double geewhiz), whoopdedoo. On the bright side, I finally got a 160GB ipod classic for the trips to and fro from school :D
Four hours of sleep, here I come. See you in a bit.
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