I recall,
but what's the use when you don't,
not anymore
you don't even care.
but to speak the truth,
i can still hear the waves.
they are so much like you,
can't help but to hear the echoes,
They give but take so much more,
wash me away into your thoughts,
my ship is sinking in these silver waters,
but there you are,
holding my heart in your hands.
i can still hear the waves.
Ahoy mates.
Just came back from switzerland yesterday. It was, quote unquote a rather promising actress,
SUPER COOL (lieeekk yeah!). Quite literally too. Plunging temperatures every morning. I swear we looked like boiled cabbages toddling around in our seven layers of thick clothing, i kid you not.
Well probably the most unforgettable memory was falling off the sledding track and landing in a heap of rather solidified heap of snow and getting rescued by a French family because i didn't know how to um, navigate the sled. I thought i had died right then and descended to a vair white heaven.
And also, the fact that it snowed BOTH on Christmas & on New Years. That was aussome.
But i'll post about that another time when i get all the pictures from emi. I barely took any cause there were about five cameras competing for some snapping action and i didn't have an ounce of motivation to shoot away. Blogger picture hosting is a hassle anyway.
So anyway, although it may seem hella late, i hope that everyone had
a groovy christmas & an even better new year! I can't believe its 2009! Life is moving way to fast for me right now and i'm sure everyone feels that same. Soon we will all sweep through school years and work years and then into middle-age years and old-hag days. Egad.
FOR 2009, i suppose a new set of guidelines or what the conventional blogger would call RESOLUTIONS, would be handy. And good ones too, not the half-hearted and absolutely impossible LAWS we make up to make us feel better.
Here we go.
1. I will not freak out and have a nervy b on the day of the O level results like how i can already see half our class crying and suanning and all that drama. Instead i will be the epitome of calm and accept things as they come.
Lest the result be something horrific then maybe i will shed a tear of two.
2. I will grow as a musician and songwriting aspects. Practise more and expand my listening range to the more
boring different genres of classical jazz etc etc.
3. I will have an aussome time in JC/Poly or any other educational institute that will be bold enough to take me up. Join a totally new CCA(and hopefully excel innit), make loads of friends and not be a 24/7 slacker :)
4. Save. Money.
5. Clear out the 1049 emails in my hotmail account. Especially all the lame friendster/facebook/myspace ones that i never ever read and are just there to clog up networking space.
6. Not lose touch with any of the great friends I've managed to make in these four years of life in the
Lesbian Academy SACSS. You guys have brought a lot of brilliant times together and i never want to lose that. Sacians ftw!
7. Make it to the Hillsong Conference with the rest of the renegades and have a funkay time there! Also to grow as a church band. And think up of better names for our jazz pieces.
8. Not to die or get severely injured on the Mount KK climbing trip, or worse, back out at the last minute in fear of remote death. Besides I've already ordered the hiking stick and gotten the right hiking shoes for it so WASTE NOT.
9. After nearly a year of not being in one, get a good band together & get back to regular jam sessions.
10. Lastly, to grow closer to God & Family.
To finish off this post, i just want to thank everyone (the usual bums, 4.8 a.k.a the most united, krossfire, Church people and family) for just being in my life. All of you guys are special and have just given me the best times of my life. Some of the best memories i think i will ever have happened in 2008 so thank you all so much! :) I will put up exclusive shoutouts in the next post if i can!
Its 2am now so see you all in a bit!
This damned jetlag won't let me sleep.