this was nothing more
than i thought it was.
But you,
oh how you
manage to tread on autumn leaves,
and deliver the script
which such certainty.
I don't know how to feel. Listless, maybe.
This week had been a mish-mash of various activites, and it never seems to end. And i swear, the jetlag is becoming more annoying. I hate waking up at two in the afternoon feeling like an absolute hobo (yes, I believe I've hit rockbottom.), although i must admit i rather enjoy the 4am nights. Starworld shows the best half-hour hits in the dead of the night, and tell me, who does not love old reruns on seinfeld? and Friends, According to Jim etcetc.
Its a pity that this NLOFC or NLFOC or a conference of some sort had to happen this week when class chalet was on. Felt absolutely bummed out that i had to miss sleeping over as well as the 'big' second night at Aloha Loyang, and attended the conference at night instead. The first day was wicked tho. We totally rock at mahjong yo.
Also, played a small acoustic set at Jake's, and the crowd was good :) Wheeee. Although J totally tripped over the wires and his head almost got stuck in the ice bucket. If there's someone clumsier than me, its gotta be him. I really love playing at smaller gigs because of the aussome people, besides the fact that there are less indie snobs at mainstream haters to leap at your throat if we even PLAY a BLG hit.
Anyway, it was really good. I miss that.
Oh here's a shot of us celebrating gerry's surprise. Seventeen is such a useless age(i reckon we should just skip that one and go to fabulous eighteen!), but we all have to go through it. And totally rocking the karaoke place at Kallang. HILARIOUS.
And also found out results were coming out next monday. Thus, the listless-ness.
Today on the way to meeting some church folks, a bunch of dudes wearing ACJC tees came on the train. I guess i kinda realised how much i wanted to get into that school at that point of time.
But as the saying goes, this is all but a 'pipe dream'. Besides, the release of JAE's cut-off points pretty much shook me back to the real world. This feeling of anxiety is the worst. Sometimes i think if i had just thought DSAing when it was the right time and thinking ahead when i should have, things would be more different.
But i guess now there's no other choice but to open up to other options and just pray. Really really hard.
************major moping shite over.
Its time to hit the snooze button. The LAST meeting is held tomorrow at RELC, and i have to wake up at daybreak just to get there in time. Aww cow's bum. Goodnight all, have a good weekend :)
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