You sing all your songs
in the key of Heartbreaker,
and i cant help
but to sing along as well,
this enchantment on melody,
im ensnared in its beauty.
But i have to admit,
you're rather good at this.
catching raindrops on streets
and singing,
oh i sing your song.
Hey all, its been way to long since i last blogged. Its become quite a chore and things have been tres busy. Here are some pictures taken that i havent posted up. Apologies if the events are not in chronological order, i have quite a terror of a memory.
1. Okay first here are some pictures from kor swee cheng's photo exhibition. Of course a) since everything there was being sold at hundreds and b) because we were poor farts, we just ooh-ed and aah-ed over kor swee cheng's brilliant shots and mucked around outside.

The lads have become quite the vanity pack. taking cool photos and all.

jenny took like a billion more of nick. this is getting scary, older sisters should not lust over their younger brothers!!


2. Next, the last week was a major baking fest in our kitchen. To put a more homely feel into presents for the church and because we're sick of shopping, mother came up with this brilliant idea to bake cookies for well, pretty much everyone we know. Although it seemed like a really fun idea at first, it got dull and tiring after the hmmm, 1000th cookie??!
No i do not exaggerate. We clocked in a total of 16 hours of baking almost 2000 cookies and packing them into containers and writing endless labels and getting burnt by heated racks. it was mad mad mad work.

Sheri's silver nails (eek.) and the cookie dough.

3. So i pretty much turned sixteen last wednesday. I never really did celebrate my birthdays but this year i was fortunate enough to be granted two surprises! Tuesday night after jamming headed down to Vivo's bakerzin to have dinner with the usual bums. It was fun stuff, the steak and mushroom sandwich was drool worthy.
The best part of the evening was probably when the waiter forgot to bring in the surprise cake.

gerry also announced to all of us that she was going to canada and won't know when she'll be coming back. Wowee. And with no return ticket somemore!
Thanks for the aussome present :) i heard emilia had to hop around and breathe life into the bear or whatever crap the shop people made them do, so thanksmuch for embarrasing yourself!

4. This ridiculous surprise party at my place on wednesday planned elaborately by the youth group. It was quite um, surprising. except mel accidently spilt everyone the night before and i would be lying if i said i didnt expect something weird to happen like that.
What WAS surprising, tho, was the fact that mom was lying to me the whole time. I was under the impression that all the food was for her chinese lifenet but it wasnt. Mom, you are insanely fantastic at lying!
They made me do all sorts of weird crap so i could get my birthday present such as...
a) headbang and do airguitar. the perils of too many people reading your blog.
b) Spaz on the floor like some dying cockroach
c) sing crushcrushcrush and run rounds around my house, which in case you haven't noticed isn't big exp with twenty people scattered around.
and whole lot of other stuff. and they made me rip up a teddy bear too GAH.
4. Went out with shanna to shop for some stuff on thursday if im not wrong. was dead tired.

BWAHAHAHAH. i knew your time would come.

anyway we were walking from heeren (bought twilight soundtrack and kisschasy from HMV, the only place to be!) to far east and it was raining pups and kittens. Like srsly. So instead of waiting at the lobby of the building like all the other cheap bozos, went to get an umbrella from seven eleven. but because we were also somewhat cheap bozos, we only got one and it was hell.
By the time we got to far east, we were freaking wet and cold and laughing our asses off.

5. On saturday me ains nic and luki went to the swee lee sale. i cant remember for peanuts what we were doing before that. anyhoos, it was 50% off and i really didnt expect to buy anything at all. So it seemed kind of a waste of time to cue up for an hour to get to the showroom.
FENDER STRATOCASTER. its wicked, and also a dream fulfilled. Plus a hard case and the strap locks (so i can try and swing the guitar around like rockstars do XD) and altogether it came up to about eight hundred dollars. Uncle william was nice enough to pay for it with his american express card when the bleep bleep from the NETS machine announced my account was a few dollars short. So i am officially wiped out.
Well as luki said, better to be poor and happy then to be rich and sad(which doesn't make sense figuratively because it is VAIR hard to be sad if you're filthy rich.)
Nick also bought a fender Jazz bass which cost about 1k plus total. ITS THE SAME ONE JEREMY DAVIS OF PARAMORE USES. absolutely brilliant.
6. Oh i remember what we did. Mom woke me up in the wee hours or dawn (8am, that is) to go to some ridiculous bodynits sale. caught a lift from aunt carol and jen and was whisked off to the factory, still groggy.
The worst of singaporean behaviour, EVER. Aunties were mad. They would push and shove and grab clothes right out of your hands! I heard a couple of the aunties swear in hokkien or some other crude dialect of the sort, and a snatching match ensued. I am sad to say that most of our church 'ladies', including my mom who i have always thought of as quite dignified, became like one of those teeth-baring aunties. Its amazing how good deals can bring out the worst in us.
7. Melahornie's surprise thing after church. we were mooching around because we always mooch around after church, and had nothing to do. Decided not to watch a movie and went to vivo instead to mooch. Went to this exhibition and alex wanted to go into some ice-room with a temperature of -1.5degrees.

So after that boring exhibition went to starbucks a.k.a money extortion coffee branch to hang out. Jennifer whipped out a pad and started to write a list of things to do after church besides being losers and hanging out at starbucks. Jie ains disappeared to get the cake from bakerzin for ONE HOUR and mel kept asking where she was. It was horrible.
The reason: SHE WENT TO THE WRONG STARBUCKS. apparently there are two starbucks in vivo and after getting the cake she went to the wrong one. unbelievable.
So it was sort of an epic failure. But none the less, a cake is a cake, and a birthday is a birthday. hurrah!

8. Dad got a new webcam and my ipod classic (FINALLY! but refuses to give it to me yet since my phone bill overshot.) so that means SKYPE ALL THE TIME. Webcaming is wikkid. Laughing your ass off while daring/watching justin to eat cat food is good. But hearing him say that it tasted, quote unquote, 'pretty darn aussome', is worrying.
perhaps you were a cat in your past life.
9. Sleepover at Jen's. She mauled me around her house as usual. SHE HAS THE STRENGTH OF A MAN. unforgettable moments: Jennifer crushing on some fat doo-da on television and hacking away at the movie itself. Waking up at 8am in the morning to a good american breakfast (aunty carol's homecooked food is brilliant) and snoozing all the way to penin. went to get megan's bass guitar. It was hilarious, because megan is as pint-sized as pint-sized can get, and the bass is huge on her. Imagine a little girl carrying an instrument she's only a couple of inches taller then. now you know.
10. Watched 'Don't forget the lyrics Singapore' reruns today after i knocked out for a couple of hours. HAS ANYONE SEEN OUR SCHOOL
cleaner superintendent dancing on the stage?!! Yes he was on the show as one of the contestant's helpline and i called emilia to make sure it was him. It was a horrendous sight because a) He was wearing the same pink shirt like he wears all the freaking time, b) can't dance for his life and c) because he is a fifty-year old man. Fifty-year old men DO NOT go on local television shows and shake it. Its just wrong. and it should be barred, in my opinion.
but it was a pretty good laugh anyway.
Random stuff like that. Tomorrow there's music practise for christmas service and some other stuff before. There's absolutely no more time for jamming and learning/playing dota at alex's house, and that is tres sad. On a lighter note, the Angus Thongs gang are watching the movie this friday!
I can't wait. Walked past Shaw's Humongous Ad screen earlier today and saw Ultraviolet playing and sang along like a nut. Obviously, i was with the wrong people because Nick and Luki couldnt be bothered with 'The Hottest Living Dude on Earth with a Smexy British Accent'. BAH YOU'LL SEE.
Sorry for the looooong post. goodnight all, dawn is near.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEL IF YOU ARE READING THIS. i hate choo for those pictures and the video. you are the worst, but you are also mel and so i forgive you. see you soon :)