and skips away,
skips away to the beat of my heart,
now you wonder why,
he stole it
and called it his own.
Who is it?
and i want to know.
but he stole all the answers,
and we're left with none to show.
Who is the most beautiful person you know?
I shoot back the question to its keeper,
And its just like him to reply,
Its none other than you.
Well its times like these
that i'm at a loss for words.
Firstly, some long overdue barbeque pictures.
Oh i must first explain that all those fuzzy snapshots with the neon-squiggly things are a result of Joy's discovery of creating 'Holga-style-pictures' without using an actual Holga. Which is a brilliant discovery indeed for unfortunate, holga-less people. Its a trade-secret!
and she's in germany now, lucky gal.
Yesterday someone suggested that we go play tennis at Jie ains house, and it seemed like a pretty good idea. A rather nice change from being a couch potato all the time, so headed there and knocked some balls around the court for near three hours. I think i'm pretty bad at tennis. I mean, all we did in the first hour was um, serve. But Mel's stupid OH NO dance sure cracked me up(so did luki's reaction everytime he missed a shot. hilarious.) the twins and jie ains were brilliant at the game, as usual. Nick came to sit at the side and mope about his broken arm haahaa.
Dinner at simpang again and mel screaming about cats and what not. Also talked about the fact that we are showcasing the christmas skit to the church LIVE this sunday, instead of just showing the video on the screen. Apparently, the length of video turned out pretty screwed up and there's no choice but to show it. I only hope alex doesnt get a front row seat and make us all laugh in the middle of the play LIKE HE ALWAYS DOES THAT CLOWN.
OHHH i made mel a facebook account. It is aussome, though i do feel pretty bad about putting those unglam photos up. Not.
Went christmas shopping with mom today because she threatened that she'll get me a set of scented candles for christmas if i didnt go with her. Phooo what a drag.
Tomorrow i'm out with Marilyn to go bugis and get ripped off by sweaty, middle-aged shop owners who tout those Little Miss Shirts for their life. Hopefully i'll be able to pick up a pair of black skinny jeans so i don't need to borrow them from Mel everytime we have a full-dress rehearsal. and marilyn, YOU BETTER NOT LAUGH AT ME!!!
Goodnight all.
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