I'm struggling from yesterday's hype,
And dwelling in tomorrow's misery.
Lots of things happened this week. Well in short, the sleepover was meant to be doing Mel's scrapbook/birthday present. IT WAS HORRIBLE, BACK-BREAKING, LABORIOUS WORK. We are never ever doing it again. Well in short, Jenny was going Hitler style and we kept quarreling and she kept beating me up because she has the strength of a man and im weak. Nick kept going back to his computer every five seconds and luki disappeared at 5 for his job, so we lost all motivation in continuing.
But after three days, we finally completed it! Hallelujah.
ALSO, angus thongs was brills.
Definitely one of my favourite movies of the year.
Went jeans shopping for the lads and to finish up mel's scrapbook. Luki and Nick got Levis and we sat around in starbucks being bums YET AGAIN, while waiting for mel. Went to some steamboat place to celebrate mel's birthday and it was awful fun.
Christmas service was not too shabby. Although the awkward pauses in between sections were well, AWKWARD. eek. Our jazz piece, artfully named 'NANA' by pastor william was quite a fail. Bah.
The skit and mime was aussome. i think everyone did a brilliant job XP The weirdest thing was that we couldnt change out of our costumes or take off makeup while serving food. Which was horrible in my case because i was a drunk, emo punk. But the most hilarious, by far was luki, who was jesus in the skit and also the drummer of our band.
Last night went to mel's place for dinner and watched some old church videos. Holy cows, it was funneh. Nick was such a cute boy last time and now look what happened. AND JEN OMG JEN WAS FUNNEH.
So there's nothing much to say but its off to chocolate-agogo-land now! Wishing everyone a wicked christmas and an aussome new year! See you all in January. :)
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