Its been a really hell of a hectic week with music camp at GM everyday and what not. Since exams were done with, i have been catching up with lots of reading. It is really a splendid feeling, putting down a book after a few hundred pages and feeling accomplished, something impossible to do the past few months. Grab a book everyone!
Oh before anything else is said i'd like to introduce an original reproduction of the Epiphone model 'Wildkat' that was just bought for church (a couple of weeks back..?). It is really, a semi-solid beauty, and a whole lot better than our cracked-up Ibanez model.
My class consisted of Royce and myself, YES REALLY SMALL CLASS. But it was brilliant. in a single lesson we were scribbling the pentatonic scales down furtively and playing actual free jazz fill ins!! It felt so good to be able to do that.
The rest of the week were pretty much the same routine of going to church and having lessons, workshops and concert practices. Drum lessons with elliot was mighty interesting, learnt a ton of stuff.
Sleepover pictures, thus the brilliant videos taking with the mac. and stoopid photos.
Cyndi Lauper had better hair.
Anyhoos, had a major picture spaz with Lizzeh's Macky. The following just goes to show how we don't really hell care about unglam pictures cause the fun anyway and make you laugh like the hooville people.

Sometime around two am on the patio, before heading up to the attic to sleep(yeeeah right.)
So watched What Happens in Las Vegas and laughed like hell, oooh and aaahed at ashton kutcher (lizzie's new love.) and drank the 1.5litre bottle of coke. I think im banned from their house! Finally fell asleep at four am with lizzie screaming god knows what.
woke up feeling like a really overdue hungover. Was exhausted and lizzie was still screaming [since last night?!] about stop-motion videos and taking bus 80 to church so i think i died for about half an hour there and ascended to the heavens. but god reminded me i had a 1:30 class and rushed back to church.
Thursday's lesson involved a final jam and practise for the 'LIVE AT GM' concert. The Oops Asia team more or less made up look like
and so were you luki, HAHA.
The rest of the service went pretty smoothly but leng was a bit peeved since we didnt pay much attention. CHHHH all jennifer's fault, who did i mention, made a spectacular comeback after being M.I.A from music camp for the whole week?

Hung out with Mel, Ains, Carl and Luki in church and we were the last to leave for some supper at HK cafe at Upper East coast. Had a blast, and by the time ains drove us home it was about 1-ish. Made plans for friday i think... my timing's all screwed up.
Friday had drum class with carl at the studio with alex and edwin (luki neglected to show up. at all!) which was pretty much useless. Mooching around as usual. Met tim, nick and mel afterwards for dinner in town and a movie, which we didnt catch eventually. All we did was trial behind carl while he did some shopping, and let me tell you, for a dude he surely does love shopping.
After a tired dinner at pepper lunch, alex went home and we headed to marina square for some pool(which i suck at, evidently.) but got distracted by the I.D photo booth as usual.
Pool at the arcade. Didnt even play a single round, was too busy drinking some overpriced coffee from starbucks and screaming our heads off playing House Of the Dead 4 with Mel. Have i mentioned both of us absolutely SUCK at those Drum-mania machines things? It is embarrasing to have two (ex-)percussionists laughing when the speakers on the game machine announce loudly to half the world 'YOU HAVE FAILED THE BEGINNER'S STAGE' to half the world.
cabbed home with luki ains and mel and talked about stupid things like we always do. i swear luki and mel were about to choke on their own tongues when we started talking about the ice hotel and gay babies.
Saturday had lifenet and then dinner with the family wherein dad said 'Hey lets go get some coffee from Coffeebucks.'
Today was another early morning at church where we played. The songs were screwed up... then the baptism at mel's house in her swimming pool. So now Sheri is baptised yay! I am proud to be the only one in my family to have a saltwater baptism, that is, one at sea. Siloso beach to be exact. It was definitely more exciting then a simple dunk under chlorine-infiltrated water. Was supposed to have ice-cream with mel and the lads but had to return home to um sleep. :)
Tomorrow A-level students finish, which means jennifer is a free person! For now. Yay!
Goodnight all.
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