I said,
He's gone.
but i'm alive,
i'm coming to sing to you tonight,
A pennyworth of tunes
to keep you going till dawn,
till sleep takes over your mind,
I sung,
with a clever tongue,
my silver words
are your cutting edge,
and now you're falling asleep,
to the singing of the damage.
I don't think i can manage,
without you tonight.
but you're already gone.
Today we had physics MCQ which i was ALMOST late for, because of unfortunate sleeping habits. The day before i only had three hours of sleep before being shaken awake for church.
Anyway yes. Went back home and slept till 9pm, so i couldnt sleep till late. Ah you know the whole cycle. So emilia called at 730 and i ran all the way to school. Physics was pretty good, SO much better than the first paper.
So after all that we went for some final shopping. More like a torture trip, it is so bloody tiring. But kinda fun. Sarah Anne got her stupid hush puppies underwear (okay i hate to admit, they were pretty cute. eek. but dont tell her i said that.), emilia got a really expensive but cool orange blouse from EDC and i finally got my dress. It is pretty casual, with POCKETS. haha.
headed to town after that with emilia to get a mask and belt at far east, and then borders to get the mamma mia soundtrack! The songs have really been in my head for the longest of times and im glad i finally got the songs.
Alright so tomorrow its another day's break which will be spent mooching around doing nothing but chemistry MCQs and watching heroes online. I cannot wait for thursday! Guitar hero 3 and rockband at nicole's house from 12am till whenever! And prom will be fun, i hope. We will all simultaneously burst into song and start dancing like HSM3. it will be a sight XD
Till next time!
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