these memories seem to fade
as quickly as they come,
It isn't right,
because joy never had a deadline
and happiness never a boundary.
You are broad words on walls
the last city standing in these ruins,
And i am so lost.
Of course, the single word echoing in everybody's mind on thursday at exactly 0900 hours was PROM. Prom, prom, prom. and now the laborious update.
It was peculiar, but amazing, to see everyone around me pretty dazed, silly grins plastered across faces while we shifted the tables(for the last time, good riddance.) The spirit of JOY was infectious, soon everyone was running about, screaming and walking across storey-high stacked chairs. After stacking the last dusty table onto the stack, we were all quickly ushered to the colourful benches downstairs to break out the wine.... or rather a bottle of fine apple sparkling juice! Provided thoughtfully by pei rong. In the words of gabe of cobra starship, pop the cheap champagne!The brief affair of popping the bottle was quite funny. CHEERS TO ALL BIOLOGY GIRLS! MAY WE ALL GET OUR As!!
Went back to take a good three hours snooze before heading to nic's house for prom/mask prep! When me and jas got there, there were dozens of teeny beads scattered all over the floor, and the group working on their masks, foreheads BEADED with sweat. ha. ha. ha.
Yeap so joined em. The whole place was quite a mess when we decided it was time to dress up and gooooo.
but thanks anyway for bending down to make me feel a whole lot better, you two
Oh another way we passed time was by planning how to get to table number 17, the table 'closest to the food', as emilia said in a matter-of-fact tone.
okay i won't because if i do the world will lose one of the most gifted photographers ever and we won't have anyone to take pictures of a hot hot hot Bryan.
If you can't pull of paramore songs, don't even try because you'll just end up embarrasing yourself. Not only are you ruining our prom, you're shaming the face of genuine rock music and genuine rockers with genuine talent. i don't know how you ended up performing at our prom (and being the worst part of it, trust me.) but stop screwing up other people's songs. Me and emi had to escape to the toilet and scream the frustration off.
Even sarah anne was disgusted, and she usually doesn't care! She was like 'OH GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THIS MAN.' very well said, sally.
Enough about secondhand wannabes. Fashion shoe up next where a bunch of people along with Renee and Steph modelled for bodynits! It wasn't as anti-climatic as i expected. Actually it was rather well-received. Caught a picture of stephanie as she strutted her way down the stage!
they were what really got the party kicking XD headbanging and what not. the music was so much better than the first 'band' (whose name does not deserve to stick to memory) that we were all hopping about and crap. Lead guitarist has good vocals and bryan was as usual, hot.

Oh in the middle of a song, i heard a girl behind me say 'God, i swear i want to lick the sweat of him.' As much as i like bryan, i would NEVER EVER lick sweat off anyone. Especially someone who sweats as much as him. eek.
it was funny hearing that tho.
Oh and this has to be my favourite picture of the night.
Clare who went half-insane and started hopping around like a mad person holding up her um... assets.
Yeap so they played hallelujah twice and i can't really remember what happened except that emi and me went positively rabid. And they sounded SO much better than the first band, and the most well-received as well. Did some crazy stuff like a forming a conga line and marching around the room (i think mdm chan grabbed my waist at one point of time and joined in. Whooa.), got up the stage and got crazier. Man what a night. Clare was mad and joy was hilarious. Patricia was innit yo!
Went downstairs for a good cold shower before going up to clear stuff. Watched a hell lot of TV and laughed. Geraldine knocked out first, which was surprising because i am the one that usually goes to sleep immediately, followed by sarah ee and judy. Nicole decided to go to comforts of her spcious bed while we were sprawled on her living room floors. So in the end someone screwed up the TV controls and we couldnt watch anymore, and so decided to go to sleep. BUT SARAH ANNE WAS BEING A TOTAL KUTU and not letting us get some shut eye. The fact that gerry woke up and started jostling about didn't help at all... was in a state of breakdown by the time i finally fell asleep at five.
I think the fact that we have two whole months of holiday hasn't sunk in yet. But what opportunities these open for us! First off the list is Music Camp 08, some more maad parties and a hell lot of sleepovers. Its finally here, and we deserve it :)
Till next time.
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