If you can identify the people in it, that is. Apparently jennifer is proud of her cushion-cover like jacket.
OKAY before this post begins, i would like to say that paramore is NOT breaking up!! They only cancelled their UK tour after birmingham simply because of some personal problems, and headed back to USA, nashville. So enough of the speculated 'Hayley is pregnant!' and 'they're going their seperate ways' BS, cause NONE of that is happening. They are still rocking it XD Go ms williams!

Today was chinese mid years. what a joke. I swear, the cheenany spirits of doom are against me. Firstly, my newly-replaced energizer batteries in my electronic dictionary started to leak just minutes after the start of the first paper, which left me delving into the MANUAL dictionary and flipping furtively for the right word. Damn han yu ping yin. Couldnt understand much of what i was scribbling down half the time.
Laughed alot after the second paper because i had no idea what was going on as well.
I wonder what mas selamat doing now. Seriously, he can't survive that long, with his moustache-less face plastered all over the walls of HDB flats. A 58 year old man, or as sarah anne has provided me with the crude details, called the police station and pretended to be mas selemat. He was tracked down in a few minutes and got five years of jail! So don't mess with the police man. Even though they WERE the ones who let mas selemat get out anyway.
Perhaps he is hiding in some drain eating wild mulberries and goodness knows what else. Till then, i have my doubts about the safety or all bedokian residents.
I think i caught my mom crying/tearing up over an old telecast of the Lydia Sum memorial.
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