with your magnificant play of words,
The world is falling,
but the music is playing on.
Bring it to me.
Good Friday weekend has certainly been pretty good.
So much for the resolution to catch up on chemistry and physics this weekend. this very RAINY weekend.
So thursday was alright.
Study study, cram, unbearable lessons. Everyone was SLEEPING during physics class because mr quek was absolutely incomprehensable, due to his dont-care-imma-go-like-a-steam-train-because-i-want-to-finish-the-syllabus-quickly attitude. And he scolded me and SAL for discussing something about physics. Oh the unfairness of it all.
Still, there are better things in life to worry about. or ENJOY. eg. STEP UP 2.
Apart from the normal school day and a particularly stressful add math test which allows us the plesant experience of tearing out a handful of our own hair, chinese orals was in short, quite PHENOMENAL. uh huh. and not in the good way.
Actually it was more of an absolute JOKE. Looking at the passage was sort of like looking at an italian script. And ms shuting[i must say, the rather unfortunate teacher who overtook the task of simply being my examiner] was pretty much emotionless and stoned throughout the entire oral.
I had to RUSH to meet amanda and janna for step up 2. Yes, i was more or less a sight to behold, running down orchard road in school you, and up six flights of escalators. Hitting everyone with my rotund and heavy school bag along the way. Amanda and janna seemed to find it particularly amusing. Still, made it for the movie!
It was absolutely MIND-BLOWING. really. Not what i expected it to be at all XD The dance moves were totally, quote unquote janna, HOTT. ROBERT hoffman [Justin, or SLASH nick, from she's the man] was wonderful. What IS it with these multi-talented, actors/dancers/singers nowadays? They can do anything?! Which leaves us genetically lower-life forms nothing else to do with our future but be holed up in a tiny cell typing up columns of numbers. Yes, interesting future career prospect.
Next day had TUITION in the morning.
In the afternoon went with SAL and janna to catch August rush at Lido! Met joy and xq in the train LOL. Janna is such a kutu, she was late. SAL should not be allowed out to public; she is a hindrace that anyone is liable to.
Made it to lido with ten minutes to spare, only to find that august rush was sold out! GAH. Janna was depressed. COMPROMISED by watching step up 2 again. I know, what a waste of money to be watching the same movie, and it being a public holiday. but it was just so darn great! SAL was all up for it, but janna needed some wheedling. And she finally crumbled. muahahaha.
It was funn.
Went to wheelock place after the movie and met at fish and co. for lifenet dinner. Oh my, all the young kids kept jumping around/running out of the restaurant/touching the ginormous hanging plastic swordfish. meh.
After dinner went to STARBUCKS to fool around. Mark had to crawl under three chairs at the outside deli for his dare
Saturday was easter prac and dinner with my ex maid before she departs for her hometown.
Easter sunday!
uncle william a.k.a Jesus, aunty judith a.k.a bleeding woman.
whoops school now. ciao!
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