with its painted skylines and withering starlight
but we're here, love,
where nothing but the the wind can touch,
it is this beauty of dusk that keeps us alive
so warm and bare.
But its not only that.
Its not only the songs and flowing rivers
or the dusk written in sheets.
Its everything else,
all bundled up in the stories.
We smiled.
Its currently 12:39 and i think i'm having second thoughts about posting about the 4D3N camp at Loola[hereby pronounced as L-uu-lah] resort, Bintan. Well, putting aside the fact that i am perpetually on the music team, it has been one heck of a journey.
I believe that no one can be a fan of hour-long bus rides on rocky roads and severe sea sickness.
But all in all, its been FUN. It was quite unimaginable i think, for those people who didnt go for the camp. An UNFORGETTABLE experience. Ignoring the sandy kampung huts and pathetic shower heads that dispenses water at its own will. Of course, it helped alot that the whole energy-sucking-activities-that-come-one-after-another keeps your mind off the troubles back in this place, band stuff, school homework and council crud. However, the two hundred pictures will have to wait. Be prepared for the long post ahead!
12:56. Goodnight folks.
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