Love's too easy
so we make it into a game.
Fling your affections out
of the window now,
sell your heart on street corners,
You know what they say.
Big hearts,
yes your big heart
is for breaking.
i should really have joined the circus.
Let's see. No talent in studying, nada attention span and who am i kidding about how awesome i am in math? Besides, you get free bicycle rides in circuses. Lest free rides balancing a plate on a stick on your teeth.
TIS' THE NEW MONTH! (here's some old news.)
1. Obviously ya'll know about the MOE not extending school holidays. After all the hype with the eastsiders at starbucks the other day, was gobsmacked upon hearing the news on telly. HELLO, is the 200+ new cases not big enough a clue that something else must be done besides temperature taking?
2. Was literally dying the day before literature papers, and went to claud's place in desperate need of good music and rest. What can i say? 'I get by with a little help from my friends' - The Beatles. Thanks Clauds!
3. Unfortunately, that was also the day wherein Tiara texted to tell me that Michael Jackson had passed. He was one of those guys who everyone thought would live forever (and of all the things to die off.) So in tribute to the greatest pop icon who ever lived (in this generation, as least), my family and I spent two hours watching old music videos and docummentaries of him. Which resulted in my addiction to songs like 'Smooth criminal' and 'The way you make me feel'.
4. Toiling in my own jealousy (brownie points for those who get W.I.L reference!) the whole of last weekend cause Sarah G. got to go all the way London to catch the Kooks and Kings of Leon live in Hyde Park. The taunting text DID NOT help
5. Our social in Botanic Gardens (last last week?!) playing frisbee and captain's ball. Needless to say, the girls sat at the sidelines and the boys played. And the girls who did play (the cool ones like faith and i) never got the frisbee/ball. Le sigh. It always ends like this!

7. Went to a flea market with Jen-fer (TWAAAAT) on saturday after the literature paper, going to P.S. with no idea where it was. Two people with bad sense of direction should not trust another person's words about non-existant shuttle buses. Anyhoos, after half-an-hour of trampling around Old School, discovered the place.
It was like. bleh. Alot of the stores were mass-ordered/produced from HK or Taiwan or goodness knows where. The whole warehouse (effing hot and mind you, i was in uniform) resembled a compact version of Bugis Street.
Tell me, what happened to the Elvis Costello and Goo Goo Dolls records? Beat-up Taylor Acoustics and penny-bracelets? Gone. The orange and black vespas outside were the only interesting things :D
Met Clare and a bunch of old Sacians. Clare was relegated to maid of the day and was commanded to buy food for the rest of the store-owners, so we three HIKED down Mt. Sophia where aunt carol picked us up for music practise.
A day of short-fueled-tempers and not-so-surprising-birthday-cakes.
8. Lunch at 'A pinch of salt'!
'Frankly, i prefer pepper.' - Alexis
The food sucked. Fun company. Beatrice had beat-rice (risotto). NO ONE HEARD MY HILARIOUS JOKE.

9. MATH PAPER = joke + utter depression.
Laugh or cry? You decide
10. We are going to Genting! We are going to start basking!
I am looking forward to it :D The electric prunes/Key-of-H/Homeschooled makes our debut!
It is late and i need to wake up early to cram linguistics tomorrow. Goodnight all!
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