Well I've always greeted Fridays with joy. Okay that's the understatement of the year. If Fridays were a football team i would be the crazed-fan-yelling-'TGIF'-in-the-stands-and-sporting-a-massive-flag. Besides THIS Friday was significant, since it was the date that I could pry the torture device off my upper teeth (yes. Its called braces.)
Things did not go according to plan.
So headed to my orthodontist at Shenton House, stoked that it was the end of my suffering. Of course, things weren't looking too good when i peeked into the unit and saw fallen debris and several construction workers peering back at me. Called them and the snotty orthodontist assistant (whom, come to think of it, I've always disliked.) told me that they have shifted and didn't we text you to come to Golden Shoe Carpark instead? Oh yeah, i got the text, and that's why I'm hovering outside an ex-dental clinic.
Extremely pissed off, so apologies to everyone who got a bit of my text rant during that time. Fumed all the way home. Started to feel a tad sick so i slept after a shower.
Woke up with a 38.5 degree fever.
So the weekend has been rushed doctor appointments, cold showers and hacking coughs. I thought i was the only one who had been suffering the whole week till i heard from C2 that nick, ruizi and maxipad also got the flu! See, the results of not extending school holidays.
I just wish i hadn't got it RIGHT before the weekend tho D: Missed the recording session on friday night and so the time capsule contains half-baked snippets of our tracks. Apologies to our band! Also managed to miss the whole event of the time capsule, lifenet, and jen's manga art convention thing (athough i heard it went superbly! congrats.)
So in short, becareful what you wish for.
Thank god for my awesome but really stupid friends who decided to drop by my place to pass me the following
So this is what having leprosy feels like.
Tomorrow's schedule?
Sleep alot, read a lot, watch alot of movies, mooch around and be sad. Hopefully all of us will get cured off the bug soon, be it h1n1 or not. Night everyone!
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