Scrawled across the wall a couple days ago in black marker. Much to my surprise, i did not meet much opposition from mom, whom i guess is just too used to seeing rubbish stuff all over the wall. Infact, she contributed the second line of the quote! Credits to her :D
Many apologies for not updating, it has been a rather hectic week. Surprise visits to Manpuku, stalking Hi-chew around college GPP stress. Well at least i DID get over Chinese Orals, which wasn't as bad as expected. I guess i was reassured when Dayna walked in from her oral and declared it was the easiest she ever sat for, calmed ALL of us down haha!
Although i did have to wake up at 5am nearly every single day this week for a myraid of reasons! To
copy math c.a. from smarter creatures learn math stuff, play for morning mass and finally Ascension mass on thursday... boyy it was tiring.
This week is full of the lads. Yes it sounds queer. First, on the career day MINDEF trip, Tiara and I somehow by a stroke of misfortune, ended up being separated from ALL the girls and sat in the boy's bus. Ah the downfalls of being at the bottom of the classlist. But it wasn't too bad. Thank god for Ipod movies like John tucker must die! Kenneth Nick and Leon (otherwise known as the three dunces) were also bold enough to help us steal more than a dozen cream puffs during lunch time, wherelse Amos a.k.a. maxipad, was being prick-like and not helping us take drinks. sheessh.
Secondly, i was initially shifted to Luki's team for the youth team, all rowdy boys of course! For the most bizarre reasons ever. It worked out for the best in the end tho :D Jennifer and I did some weird victory dance/hop thing after service. Now that i think about it, it must have looked terrible, but OH WELL.

The adorable Kris Allen! Although the fact that he is holding a five-grand gibson hummingbird with a custom fretboard appeals to me, so does his awesome voice! What a talented fine chap.
The finals were absolutely fantastic. That will teach you, bikini girl! And it may sound wrong, but i speak the truth when i say Kara Dioguardi looked hot that night :)
I have a love-hate relationship with American Idol. Whoever i thought was fantastic and outstanding and talented were slowly eliminated! It was like some curse. So this pays tribute to the awesome talents of the show who never made it!
1. Megan Joy Corkrey

My favourite contestant, actually. Okay maybe she was a little bit bizarre. With her chicken clucking sounds, bizarre dancing and off-topic comments. You can't deny her voice was unique and powerful in its own way tho. LOVE that blue-sy/jazzy tone! Eliminated as the ninth contestant, reckoned it was the biggest mistake America ever made! Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to be very popular here in SG :/
Best performance: Walking after Midnight. I thought what Regis said was absolutely hilarious
'If Megan Joy's walking after midnight, I'm stalking after midnight!'Her tattoos (thought im not usually a fan of those) are wicked stuff.
2. Matt Giraud

I love the lads with hats. Hey you have to know how to dress right? He might not have the best control of voice, but his tone is excellent. Flexible too. I thought that his version of the fray's 'You Found Me' was superb, and his performance 'My funny valentine' was stunning. Stellar performances, although not well-received by America! Hmmpf.
Well he shall make idol history by being the first contestant ever to be 'saved' by the judges.
A fun fact: The reason why Matt wears hats is to conceal the wart he has on his forehead! For those who have been following his idol career, you would have seen it in earlier auditions etc.
Check out his performance on the Ellen show, 'Let's get it on'. Brilliant.
3. Allison Iraheta

Honestly, i truly believed she should have been in the finals with Adam Lambert. Reminded me a bit of Hayley Williams (the husky voice, huge range and stage presence)! Scores brownie points for being the only girl who could play an instrument, although it was just a few chords... STILL!
An attitude to die for. And aussome hair too, btw. Best performance was probably 'Papa was a rolling stone', greaat chops!
Also, her omission turned the top three into a male-zone. Which was kinda sad D:
now, what shalt thou do on wednesday/thursday nights for entertainment?
Friday had a barbeque at Mel's place (a real restaurant by the way!) and it was FUN. First time the more mature (ha!) older youth got together for some really good food and random talk.

Showcasing off her 'only useful skill in life'. Dearest jennifer spent her whole life perfecting the art of roasting golden-brown marshmallows, what an exciting life it is.

*five hours later. 'MAN! WHY ARE THEY STILL WHITE?!'

Someone looks like a platypus.

slightlyyy better.
First attempt of recreating the 'Friends' scene. Sofa and all!

1st - fail. Not all of us were sitting on the sofa.

2nd -fail. Lesbian effect somewhere in the middle urkkk.

Sunday morning was spent snoozing and rolling about bed, trying to study CSE. Argh. What a waste of time.
I swear, i have ADD. Which explains why i am probably going to flunk mid-terms, go to poly, fail at that too, become a hoodlum and die a sad sad death. Alone. In a 3-room flat with 37 cats.
We have extra lessons till six tomorrow! As if staying in school till 5 everyday isn't enough!! School is becoming like jail, really.
Can't wait for the next week to be overrr. And it will be off to movie marathons, basking in the sunlight at KK and jamming my face off with the lads. YAY.
Goodnight all!