Many apologies to C2/Virginia/Blur block of blur city for ditching her on our weekly TGIF getaway! But i did want to go for the netball match so badly, especially since i have never been to one, and it was the FINALS! ACJC vs. RJC!
We supported AC, for obvious reasons. Although it would have been more exciting if amanda was playing.
Was actually rather worried that our dearest Lingustics teacher/the walking-mouth-on-legs would delight us with an afternoon spent in detention that very day, but thank goodness she didn't.
I got to ride in Clare's Mom's Van thingy! Which was kinda the highlight of the day haaaa. Tell me, how many people shove an entire SOFA into the back of their vehicle? One!
Anyway, it was really wicked fun.
Met with Mel T and Marcus (Markus?!) with emi coming later. I was quite the noob, emilia had to keep telling me what was going on throughout the whole match. It is a complicated game, alright?!?
I suppose it was a rather exciting match, the players were just flying around the court like white/black dots.
In short, AC won with a score of 50-something to 40 i think, 15 points ahead. WHOO. beat the
Damn you Indian fella who kept loitering around our section. I feel like such a darned fool for not doing something when i could have, since i spotted him acting all suspicious before awards-ceremony. Well, i did tell Clare, but since we are the two most forgetful people in the world, it was soon forgotten.
Escalated into quite a drama involving a police car with three anxious policemen, an extremely long statement and a Macbook lost. With luck, Mel will get it back! Cheer up!
Stupid flu kept bugging me the whole day, mind you. Bloody irritating.
Today afternoon, travelled all the way to town to get my ovation fixed. It was kinda hilarious because luki asked me what was wrong with it when we were on the way to Peninsula to meet nick, and this is what i said:
'The nut got stuck in the bridge.'
In non-guitar terms, it means the little nub at the end of the string got stuck in the wooden slot below the guitar hole. Well, it started getting funny after i repeated it in my head a few times. Not so much, no?
The rest of the aftenoon was spent hunting for nicholas' Super-Padded-Bass-Bag (powerrr) and trying out an assortment of very cheap and extremely-you-won't-believe-it-expensive-guitars at Bras Pasar, after Luki decided to ditch us to go to Serine Center. Visited the place where i first got my lousy psychedelic swirl TGM model, it was hilarious! Although the six string bass we saw (and nick tried) was fun.
Had to miss social for homework. grrrr. Late nights don't do me any good.
I still have my math FA, english compre and Linguistic essays to write. Not to mention Chinese orals to 'mug' for. Hoorahh!
Oh, and 300pages of Women in Love to read, which is only the most boring book written in the history of the world. No wonder D.H. lawrence was a depressed chap, who only had the biggest crush on his mother.
Good morning world. And goodnight.
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