Wake up,
you're the drama queen,
carry on like you're supposed to be,
get away,
hurry up,
Go on.
How long have you been in your bedroom?
Its been three days straight,
With your sheets and your pillow,
The clock on the wall's a reminder.
Just a reminder.
I know i shouldn't let it get to me,
But it does and who am i kidding.
This space is getting all dusty.
So i was sitting on the bus on a sleepy friday morning, getting some snooze minutes in as usual, on the way to school. This whole bunch of lower-sec malay boys came up the bus and one sat next to me. Paid them no heed and went back to sleep for the sake of smaller eyebags.
First time i woke up, his arm was nudging my leg so i thought it was an accident and continued to sleep and listen to some tunes. Second time i woke up, HIS HAND WAS ON MY ASS. i swear. Scratch that, there was some GRABBING going on.
Needless to say, i yelled 'WTH ARE YOU DOING!' so him and his mates buggered off the bus real quick. It was a traumatic experience, to say in the least, but even more worrying that some 14-year-old boys are bus-hopping and feeling up some unfortunate people.
Next time i see him, someone's gonna get some fist in the balls for breakfast.
That aside.
I recall a rather memorable trip to Island Creamery with a lower-level creature, who goes by the name suat ning. HAHA. I'm sorry C2, i just had to say it. And don't say i don't have proof, cause SOMEBODY conked her head against the hanging Island Creamery sign three times in a little less than three hours, even though i kept warning her. Such a kutu, sometimes! Well someone's gotta provide the entertainment.
And although my mudpie looks like gobs of melted goo here, it is a little slice of heaven. Mudpies for the win!
We stole a bazillion stickers. Cause that's what everyone secretly goes there for. Now, I proudly introduce you to FUN WITH STICKERS 101 (brought to you by the award-winning authors, C1 & C2!)
Nick and sylvia came later and we had a cup-sucking competition!
This is what my weekend consisted off.
1. Mooching around the house and annoying the hell out of my mother.
2. Fruitless trips to GM and claudia's house to 'study'. Joke of the century, i might add.
3. Making pizza in claudia's kitchen and making a mess out of the oven like we always do. Tomato sauce splattered on your shirt is lot harder to get out than you think.
4. Stuffing my face with an assortment of high-fat, high-cholesterol, high-carb etc etc etc foods. Not that i really care anyway.
5. Decided to go for Cats:The Musical.
6. Decided not to go for Cats:The Musical (overpriced, lousy seats,
7. Met William and the rest of the lads and shot some hoops before a trip of Ice Cream Chefs (second to IslandCreamery, of course!)
8. Painted one line of the poem on my wall in gold paint and then scratched it off.
9. Screwed up praise and worship. I shall never play drums for service again.
10. Got told that Luki would only be coming back on 11th May...?!?!?! Wow nice. Now we can never ever get some decent jamming or a decent enough drummer for the youth team. Darn you, sugiarto.
School has made me a bit of a nervous wreck. Chinese CA AND Math CA in the same week?! I actually studied for chinese, but only because i left the whole book of math notes under my table and couldn't study for it D: I guess its hello to another fail. As if Ms Yoong needs another reason to hate me.
Anyway we had out Napfa Five Items on Monday and it went alright i guess. Its not that big a deal. Not as if the success of your future career depends on how many sit-ups you do, or how far you can jump (extremely ridiculous.)
Went to PS for the 50% sembawang sale! I've never been much of a fan of their music collection, but there was a couple of gems there going for a mere tenner. Managed to snag a Brian Setzer 1981-1989 record, Dirty Pretty Things 'Romance at short notice' and two The Dave Matthew's Band CDs. I shall eat nothing but grass for the rest of the month.
So far,Setzer is brilliant, DPT's is disappointing and The DMB is so-so.
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