Tonight she comes undone.
Everyone loves a happy ending,
but yet how the hide,
under the tables like children.
So they have heard
the silence calling.
I'm not starting without you,
I've been saving up,
bottling up,
my dreams.
Ashes to ashes.
This morning a little drama unfolded in my home. and mind.
It was one of those days where the first thing you think of when you wake up is 'Shit.' Almost every school morning i have to convince myself that going to school is better than skiving off, and get over the drag-body-out-of-bed-and-leave-soul-behind syndrome. Rushed out of the house like a mad person. Went to withdraw money for the literature play ticket, and realised i didnt have my ATM card!!!
So obviously, i had to run back and look for it. searched almost every inch of my room without success, and even managed to rouse father from lalaland. Borrowed some moolah and cabbbed to school! 15 bucks, down the drain. merde.
Had the usual laugh session during Student Development(which was 100% useless, btw.) Made badges for everyone with the aussome star post-its clarebear gave me last year. We are certainly BRIMMING with creativity, which is being used in the worst places.
Ice Queen, being Ice Queen, merely fixed us with her glacial stare when we made to much noise and told us to pipe down a few times throughout the lesson. Kai can be such spoiler(even lao shi accepted the badge we made for her, with good humour. It said 'Lao Shi'. So much for creativity.) because she refused to wear her badge but we LUBB her anyway.
Kai: Stacy, today isn't TGIF, it's TGIT!
Me: Whoooo yes!
Suat Ning: What's TGIF?
Kai: OMG.
Me: You don't know what TGIF means?! the most famous acryonym of the century?
Suat Ning: WTH is that?!
Kai: *Coldness ozzing from everyone of her frozen pores. Suat Ning, you don't even live under a rock, you like IN one.
Today the Linguistics people had a makeup math lesson from 4-5. Ms Yoong was nutty. She picked on me all the way AND INSULTED me like a gazillion times. And no amos, i'm not going to embarrass myself on my own blog!
Hung out with clare till six and then went to paya lebar. and went for music practise which was like. Um.
I'm really glad tomorrow's a holiday. SLEEP IN. WHEEEE.
Just realized how cluttered my room wall looks.
the others are filled with painted bits of poetry, random handwritten song sheets for easy reference and photos from various events! Its beginning to look like the works of a madman(all those words!)
Midnight fast approaching. Must fall asleep now. Night, world.
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