She makes him catch his breath.
It's obvious they share something special.
Love notes in the form of post-its,
stuffed in letterboxes,
Second glances.
It's obvious they share something special.
You know she's thinking of him,
when she starts to daydream,
Or hum her favourite tune.
You know her scent is his drug.
It's obvious they share something special.
The girls,
they flaunt their latest crushes,
but they are secretly jealous of her.
The guys tease him,
but secretly,
they wonder.
It's obvious the share something special.
by the way, i don't know why the post-it got stuck to the paper plate. No link?
The long weekend started off absolutely boring. Malaysia trip was CANCELLED because of Easter rehearsals and music practices! Sitting at home, watching telly and getting absolutely nothing done. Now, where have i heard this before?
And then my life changed.
it was epic. Was so stoked to hear that they were going to have Topshop, springfield AND uniqlo there that i had to go right away. Friday headed there with mother dearest, which was a pretty bad mistake because it was hella crowded. Managed to get some aussome stuff tho :D
Saturday went there in the morning again to queue to get into Uniqlo! People certainly DO go for novelty, so much so i had to queue for half an hour to get in. It was absolutely worth it and uniqlo deserved all the hype it was getting, seriously. I sweaar clauds went rabid at the sight of the Grafik designer tees and started to dive into clothes like some mad middle-aged auntie (whooops.)
Went for lifenet and FAITH IS BACK! wheee. as short as ever.
At night went BACK to T1 again with MEL. Who rushed back from Malacca after i told her about the mall. The real shopoholic comes alive!
This is a fever, really.
It was rather late by the time we reached so uniqlo was closed D: Mel got a tank and Ains got a girls cropped tee(holy guacamole!) from PunkStar, and that's about it. The crowd was crazy as usual, and we had to wait for a cab for ages. By the time we got one, Mel was already all loony and moronic-like; more so than usual actually.
Today's easter service was alright :D Jennifer was the usual drama mama and Alex had a wicked peak cap. Poor nicholas! As jen would refer to it, her 'OTP' it officially shattered! But we can still hope :D
And i thought it was a load of baloney at first.
School tomorrow. I recall having homework but um, my non-existent dog ate it.
Dinner nao.
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