I can read in red. I can read in blue. I can read in pickle color too. I can read in bed, and in purple. and in brown. I can read in a circle and upside down! I can read with my left eye. I can read with my right. I can read Mississippi with my eyes shut tight! There are so many things you can learn about. But…you'll miss the best things If you keep your eyes shut. The more that you read, the more things you will know The more that you learn, the more places you'll go. If you read with your eyes shut you're likely to find That the place where you're going is far, far behind SO…that's why I tell you to keep your eyes wide. Keep them wide open…at least on one side.Dr. Seuss
Flipping through pictures on friend's tumblrs can sometimes urge me to do stuff I should have done long ago... like organize the volumes stacked on my bedside table/stuffed in hat drawers/on the floor.
It's not as neat, but still, a start.

I like to read :)
After the hours and hours of mugging(!) I find it best to dive into a new paperback novel, with a steaming cup of hot tea (I also like tea). Lately, I've been reading the classics; Fitzgerald, Wilde and finally, Jules Verne. Now, there's a writer that was way ahead of his time.
20 000 Leagues Under the Sea, heavily-ridden with scientific terminology as it is, is still pretty fantastic.
Also, after reading Jane Eyre, I definitely prefer Emily Bronte's
Wuthering Heights any day :/ Although Charlotte did craft an entirely new and (more sexy?) hero. Oh, Mr Rochester.
Just realised what an absolute nerd I am. Book fiend, anyhow.
Sigh, back to Thomas Hardy and poor old Tess.