do you remember what it's like,
to dance on cliffs?
The fire was burning bright
in our hearts.
I dare say
we left too soon.
Now no one will ever know
that it was we
who first had light in our hearts.
Chinese New Year is drawing near and I haven't bought a single piece for the occasion. Just marvy! How I detest the sixteen-hour school days.
Spending the week counting down to the weekends, every hour counting down to the end of the day, and watching the minutes flit by. Singapore's education system is screwed. Anymore of this tosh-studying will make me go into a nervy-spaz!
What I would like, by the end of this week.
1. A hella-lot of instanx mini packs so that the Polaroid Project can continue! I miss lugging that over-sized camera around.
2. To look good in candy-coloured stockings (reference to Emily Fitch of Skins S4E2)
3. Get my manhattan portage bag, new flats, and some decent clothes for New Years.
4. Finish up all the backlog of homework D:
5. STUDY SOMETHING. anything
6. Eat mango shaved-ice from FEP again. Holy canoli, we're addicted
7. Not skive off school. Here's to a (near) perfect attendance for 2010!
8. Wear my retainers every night so I will have pretty-straight teeth by CNY
9. Do not think about episode three of Skins every waking minute
10. Get through it all!
Jamming with Sssssh! today! Exhausted, as per usual. So much to do, and so little time.
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