sometimes we think too much,
think too much of ourselves.
Well it's time to get over yourself dear,
these songs aren't written for you,
Your mind's on overdrive
and it's bringing everybody down.
You have no idea how much I've missed Skins. Don't you wish fabulous drama series could go on forever?
Well at least for ten glorious weeks, I've got something to look forward to every week.

All you need to know is that the whole day was spent watching the Grammys (So-so. Dave Matthews Band was awesome. And honestly, there is nothing Lady Gaga can do now to shock the world. Although a piano with severed limbs sticking out of it comes pretty close), trying desperately to catch up with late CSE readings, and listening to Orianthi's newest album. To say the least, I am inspired!
CSE test tomorrow. Mein gott! Buckle up, its going to be one long week.
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