Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Pretty. Reckless.

2nd last week before promos has been absolute pig swill. Project work worries, unbearable teammates and a ear-infection that simply won't go away (yuck, i know.)
Jen was a real peach and loaned me her Ipod for the week, which has been the ONLY saving grace. So muchos thanks to her :) I have been going through piles and piles of my old CDs, and my room looked a bit like a war zone the past few days, but its been great. Three days without a plug-in, it's like real death (BIRKIN REFERENCE! BIRKIN!)
On the playlist this week is TSA (cal's unwanted E.P. turned out to be tops for me), lots of the Beatles and old Cobra Starship songs, which are still the best :)

The new Beatles mania is wonderful but disheartening at the same time! D:

Oh giddy aunt. Awesome keytarist of the band itself, need I saw more.

Midnight. I should be exhausted from staying at the airport for 486284 hours with Tiara AGAIN (Met XQ too, loud much?). Tomorrow's the end of the week and one more day closer to promotionals good grief.
On a brighter note, 3 MORE MONTHS TO CHRISTMAS! let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
cobra starship,
Great Britain,
Hubba Hubba,
oldies are goodies,
the Beatles,
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
10 Things I Hate/Love About You. Yeah you.

Because we all have our secrets
Closets full of them.
Do you remember how it feels
to live in a dream?
To ten of you out there,
1. I think you're the only person that I've had so many real conversations with. We lead separate lives now, where are you? We used to be so close.
2. Hey, everything's gonna be alright :) Chin up.
3. I wish you would pluck it up and tell me how you feel. Sometimes I feel so confused, but yes I think I might... you too.
4. We've known each other forever, you're crazy, we have the best times, and I like. HAHA.
5. Hello good friend, open your eyes. You think you know me, but you'd be surprised.
6. There's no saying 'good riddance' to the past, and that's you. Smell of creamed coffee, playing guitar riffs together between late-night study jaunts, you just don't forget. Things are different now, but I still miss you.
7. I still remember that you were the first friend that I ever hugged. I told you this recently, and you laughed in my face and hugged me back, about a billion times since. You also owe me a steak dinner <3
8. Um we are watching a movie together on Friday, despite it being 11 more days to promotionals. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE *winks
9. You've changed. I used to hate it, but now its okay, I understand.
10. The last one's for me. Dear self, never forget to lie in the grass and play in the rain. Love, always.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I must be dreaming.
Sunday 11:58 pm
Macdonald's sure is stingy with their internet usage. exactly 3 minutes and 20 seconds till the mandatory log-off works.
Was finally temporarily ungrounded to come to the airport to study with my wifey/clueless bitch, Tiara (sorry, jealous GAL somewhere out there). Somehow already exhausted after a couple of hours of ELL. Women in Love is proverbial sewage and T is struggling like mad with it! Sucker.
Tonight Mel and Luki and the rest are out in Bishan doing some serious-prawning and i hate them for having such free lives. Luki just sent me on an MMS of a prawn urgh, don't understand why jokers like them can catch four prawns and i can't even catch one!
27 seconds. Out!
D, feel better, si?
Macdonald's sure is stingy with their internet usage. exactly 3 minutes and 20 seconds till the mandatory log-off works.
Was finally temporarily ungrounded to come to the airport to study with my wifey/clueless bitch, Tiara (sorry, jealous GAL somewhere out there). Somehow already exhausted after a couple of hours of ELL. Women in Love is proverbial sewage and T is struggling like mad with it! Sucker.
Tonight Mel and Luki and the rest are out in Bishan doing some serious-prawning and i hate them for having such free lives. Luki just sent me on an MMS of a prawn urgh, don't understand why jokers like them can catch four prawns and i can't even catch one!
27 seconds. Out!
D, feel better, si?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Can't Stop Won't Stop.

I really miss my ipod. It is like walking around without a soul.
Shall not go into a profanity-spam like May when she lost her pencil case (HA! that was rather amusing) but honestly, this is probably one of the worst feelings in the world.
Not to mention how furious my parental units were! To say dad had a nervy spaz, is an understatement.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Its gonna be Legend - wait for it -dary!
Gossip Girl Season 3

12:09am. Time to log off and get some shut-eye, tomorrow is going to be one heck of a day.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Funny the way it is.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
So tell me darlin', do you wish we fall in love?

where the sun don't shine,
You are a thousand diamonds
around my feet,
Radiant steps don't cost a dime,
No, not in my world.
I'll bring you a slice of good life, honey,
If you'd dance
like you don't care.
Sidewalk tunes don't cost a dime,
not when we sing them.
Distracted diving and delving into pens and papers, nights at the wrong places and late-night novels. Life can be strangely satisfying and frustrating, at the same time. Studying is so not my forte.
JC life, as I can summarise, is like the O-level-cramming-jaunt, except 24/7.
Onto probably the most heavily commented photo album in facebook history! Kai, I abhor you.

Moz: Let's act like coolies!

Crashed clauds, and had some major snooze fest. Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing with my life (doesn't mean its one heck of a ride though! Life is a highway.) Breakfast at Tiffany's and ice-cream for breakfast as always:)
I miss mother. Thank god she's coming back tomorrow, the house is an absolute mess.
Cobra starship and Shiny Toy Guns on the feel-good playlist this week. Also, I think that Ellen is probably the best thing that has happened to American Idol since... well, since ever. Who needs ya paula! Here's looking forward to next year.
PW, is the bane of my existence.
Cheerio everyone, have a good last day till the torture begins.
Class of 1T07-2T07,
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Not your average, beverage!

By the way, the cheerleader at the end only goes up because of the really awful movie 'I love you Beth Cooper' we just caught. It was carthiginian pig swill, to put it lightly. I've had a really bad spell with bag movies lately, hopefully Coco before Chanel and Time Traveller's Wife won't disappoint :D
Sushi buffets and weekends,
those are our best friends.
Have a good holiday everyone!
Friday, September 04, 2009
My life is, well, pretty darn average.
'Today, I had a milkshake. It did not bring all the boys to the yard.' - early morning feelings whilst sipping a mango blend in the CJ canteen.
'Today, I forgot to turn my phone on silent before going to class. During literature my phone went off really loud, I have the Kim Possible Kimmunicator ring-tone. The class went silent except for one guy who yelled to me "What's the sitch?" This made my entire week.' - This actually happened.
'Today, I forgot to turn my phone on silent before going to class. During literature my phone went off really loud, I have the Kim Possible Kimmunicator ring-tone. The class went silent except for one guy who yelled to me "What's the sitch?" This made my entire week.' - This actually happened.
'Today I didn't know what to do on the computer, so I started to click and drag the mouse across the screen to make hilighted rectangles. It was amusing.'
How we all forget the little things in life :)
Thursday, September 03, 2009
I found a mistake, in the way we were made.

Let the demons in your head,
take control of your mind.
We are a choir,
singing the right hymns
for the average small-town playboy.
Probably the best part of the mundane school day.
*Math lecture
Simlin: I feel like eating meat.
Yiwen: Hmmm?
Sims: I'm such a carnival.
*Yiwen recounts the episode to us afterwards.
All: *choruses in laughter
Amanda: OMG simlin you're so funny! You mean 'cannibal'!
Me: Eh, actually, she meant 'carnivore.'
Hilarious stuff.
Insomnia, is really no joke.
Late nights and early lights

I found the cure for a broken heart.
Pictures at last. I've been so broke lately that I don't think I'll ever get a new camera D:
Weekend of starbucks-overloads, rock-climbing-induced-bruises and way too much unhealthy BBQ food. Not that I'm complaining.
Ridiculous trampling all over the cemetery on a perfectly sunny Saturday afternoon. In ode for Jac's PW project! It was... enriching?! Do not be afraid is you see any orbs or extra hands/faces/ghostly figures in the pictures.

Obviously, we had to snap some shots of the pathetic 'flora' to lie our way through.

on the other side' -as told by Ginger.
Remember this? And its extremely apt as well.

Baybeats! Sadly no pictures yet, since a certain somebody doesn't have facebook. Honestly, what century do you come from Cal?! Should have gone Friday though!
Went back to SAC
I am never following Luki's movie recommendations ever again. Spending money on a shite movie is the biggest suckfest ever. HAHA! Mel covering her eyes and falling asleep = highlight of the movie. Nick laughed like a horse. Talk about a weird sense of humour!
Prawn-fishing tomorrow or spending five hours at an 'excursion' in army camp? You tell me.
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