still knocks me off my feet.
What can I do?
He's my favourite star,
follow you along the fields,
its sleeping against white picket fences tonight.
I'll dance without the music,
Its your eyes alone
that sing the melody
of a summer spent delving under the moonlight.
What is time, really?
A speck in the sky,
We've got so many more stars to drink in,
Won't you slip out of sight
with me.
I've never been a big fan of Taylor Swift. Until I saw Lucas Till (hubba hubba) in the You Belong With Me, phwoaaar.
So we spent the entire week singing the same lines over and over and over and over again in class till lao shi told us to put a sock in it. Well who says you can get sick of it when you've got the awesome crew like mozzie and tiara and mandy moose to belt out the tunes with?
Or should I say, Lady Haha and Lady Rara.
C2 didn't know that the black-haired girl in that YBWM video was ALSO (drumroll) Taylor S. What a dork! A cute one, none the less :D
It's been a rough week. Owe my friends a TON of money (in hospital bills, concert tickets and ice-cream feasts) and I'm still depressed about not being able to go for a concert that I was so stoked for. PW is being a pain in the behind and three guesses WHY, literature essay due on monday that I have no bloody clue how to do and the parental units are unbearable! To top off the lot, my phone hangs every half-hour and my camera is screwed ARGH.
I did make a new friend this week though. In the form of a cat. JUBBLY! We should take a photo next time. 'Cept, wait, I CAN'T.
I need to go somewhere. Like Paris.

But till then, there are promotionals to study for. Gack.
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