Sunday, August 16, 2009

Call Me Irresponsible, call me unreliable, throw in... undependable too!

12:45am - Surrounded by a pile of messed up literature notes and scrambling to an over-highlighted text that I can't remember highlighting. Contemplating giving up and handing it in on tuesday instead.

What can I say? I am not cut out for this JC life. (truly, truly, irresponsible.)

Frick, WIL in driving me mad. Why can't we do a novel that doesn't involve over-sexualising everything (including a frenzied horse, a herd of cattle and a massive paperweight), like Neil Gaiman's SANDMAN series? Or something from Margaret Atwood. Now my friends, that is a true piece of work.

Technically, its monday. The start of a whole new week. Let panic reign!

Danny Chandra's drum clinic tomorrow night! If I don't drop dead of exhaustion first.

Oh, and points for those who get the Michael Buble reference :)

Goodnight, and travel well.

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