“I’m afraid of losing you.”
Clare smiles. “How could you lose me? I’m not going anywhere.”
“I worry that you will get tired of putting up with my undependableness and you will leave me.”
Clare puts her sketchbook aside. I sit up. “I won’t ever leave you,” she says. “Even though you’re always leaving me.”
“But I never want to leave you.”
The Time Traveller's Wife - Audrey Niffeneger
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Dance! Until you just can't.

Hey lover,
do you remember when,
we used to dance in your apartment
till neighbors would knock on your door?
I wanna do it again.
Today was probably the longest day in my life. It definitely did not help that I spend history breaks running away from a certain-someone. Eek.
One day I will drop dead from all the work, drop dead inside. Heck it may already have happened.
Tomorrow is Jubbly-time! Rock-climbing on Friday, scavenging around cemeteries with crazy loons, barbeques and eating the 'best-oluah(?)-in-the-world' with crazy Dayna who flashed a-not-so-PG-13 sign from her car window after night study. Hopefully, the remedy for the long week to come!
Damn, I really need a camera.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
For the love of coffee, music and art.

Friday, I got mind(screwed? keep it pg-13, I always say.)/convinced to skive off school. Breakfast at 1pm at Soupspoon with Jan, and headed off to the Raffles City Starbucks branch to 'mug'. If you call half-hearted math-formula scribbles, mugging.
It got all noisy cause The Body Shop decided to host this mega promotional offer right outside, and you know how the heartlander-aunties get when they spot a wicked deal, so we trained down to the Tanjong Pagar branch for some peace and good coffee. Wouldn't have known about that spot if not for the fact that I go there every month for dental and study for a couple of hours at that branch occasionally.
I've been leaving doodles everytime I go on paper napkins, nothing big; postcard-size sketch of the interior, a drawing of the sweating vanilla ice in front of me, caricature of the boy blending a milkshake across the counter. It was a real surprise when I went in and saw some of these paper napkins tacked on the cork board, and this dude comes over with a smile and a Venti-sized Chocolate Cream Chip and says:
'Courtesy of Starbucks, we'd like you to have a drink on us!'
Thus the story of how I got a free drink yesterday. Jan got virtually ignored though. HAHA.
So who knows, if you start leaving sketches on paper napkins at your neighbourhood coffeehouse, they'll be nice enough to give you one on the house :D
School has become the sadsack of the century. Except the birth of our new Post-it Backwall never fails to cheer me up! From a neat row of teeny-blue-slips, its become a massive mob of coloured paper. It is fast-evolving into a replica of my bedroom wall, with 23 people contributing to it. Once Kai brings her camera, I'll snap a few shots of the more entertaining ones (Dayna's, no doubt.) and post it up.
So much music, so little time. Au revoir!
Class of 1T07-2T07,
the finer things in life
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Call Me Irresponsible, call me unreliable, throw in... undependable too!

What can I say? I am not cut out for this JC life. (truly, truly, irresponsible.)
Frick, WIL in driving me mad. Why can't we do a novel that doesn't involve over-sexualising everything (including a frenzied horse, a herd of cattle and a massive paperweight), like Neil Gaiman's SANDMAN series? Or something from Margaret Atwood. Now my friends, that is a true piece of work.
Technically, its monday. The start of a whole new week. Let panic reign!
Danny Chandra's drum clinic tomorrow night! If I don't drop dead of exhaustion first.
Oh, and points for those who get the Michael Buble reference :)
Goodnight, and travel well.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
You've got a smile that could light up this whole town

still knocks me off my feet.
What can I do?
He's my favourite star,
follow you along the fields,
its sleeping against white picket fences tonight.
I'll dance without the music,
Its your eyes alone
that sing the melody
of a summer spent delving under the moonlight.
What is time, really?
A speck in the sky,
We've got so many more stars to drink in,
Won't you slip out of sight
with me.
I've never been a big fan of Taylor Swift. Until I saw Lucas Till (hubba hubba) in the You Belong With Me, phwoaaar.
So we spent the entire week singing the same lines over and over and over and over again in class till lao shi told us to put a sock in it. Well who says you can get sick of it when you've got the awesome crew like mozzie and tiara and mandy moose to belt out the tunes with?
Or should I say, Lady Haha and Lady Rara.
C2 didn't know that the black-haired girl in that YBWM video was ALSO (drumroll) Taylor S. What a dork! A cute one, none the less :D
It's been a rough week. Owe my friends a TON of money (in hospital bills, concert tickets and ice-cream feasts) and I'm still depressed about not being able to go for a concert that I was so stoked for. PW is being a pain in the behind and three guesses WHY, literature essay due on monday that I have no bloody clue how to do and the parental units are unbearable! To top off the lot, my phone hangs every half-hour and my camera is screwed ARGH.
I did make a new friend this week though. In the form of a cat. JUBBLY! We should take a photo next time. 'Cept, wait, I CAN'T.
I need to go somewhere. Like Paris.

But till then, there are promotionals to study for. Gack.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Life is a Highway,

The long weekend has been... unexpected.
So yesterday's night-cycling trip across Singapore was an absolute flop because of a series of unfortunate events. In short, i fell
Thus, it is no surprise that I am banned from Lady Gaga's concert on Wednesday. A pity, since the ticket coupled with all that shopping cost more than 150dollars. Damn.
Also, if it took a massive nurse and a double injection (the first needle broke cause I was too 'tense' DUH.) for one teeeny shot, how am I going to stand the sight of blood being drawn from my very veins during CJC's blood donation drive? Some reconsidering is in order.
So, these are the better times of the week.


Was supposed to go out with the three bozos (ken leon and nick) and suat, but the lads were indecisive fools. I say it as nicely as possible, since Kenneth declares we are all 'family', but sheesh!
Had music ministry dinner at night, another memorable hike up mount sophia (?).
Sunday was national day, saw red the entire day, and had the celebration at Gran's. Mom was being dead embrassing and the whole family sang the national anthem so loudy (and so off-key) that the neighbours closed all their balcony windows and the front porch was devoid of any people. Sigh. Its like that every year.
So now the week's plans are ruined. All because of the ragged scar on my right foot. Damn! Night study won't match up to hip-hop concerts, but its all for the greater good. Right?
Class of 1T07-2T07,
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Early Morning Ramblings
Me: ARGH there is never any damned toilet paper in toilets! Especially in the morning!
Amethyst: Nehmind Stace, just shake dry!
Me: o_o
Me: Max, can i ask you a question?
Max: (*sees look on my face) What? Spit it out before you burst.
Me: Do guys um, shake dry?
Max: You mean like, after we pee?
Me: (*quite uncomfortable and surprised by this point of time) You mean you're familiar with the term 'shake dry'?!
Max: There's alot of things you don't know about guys. Like how rarely we use toilet paper.
Holy canoli. How naive can I get?! Please tell me that Max doesn't speak for the entire male population. I am, as of now, shocked and rather disgusted.
Just another day in the life of yours truly, bite-size.
P.S. your postcard arrived in the mail last night Liz. The one with the union jack splashed across it (how very un-typical) but it was a lovely surprise. You came back before it did, tho! Tell me your add again and we shall continue our oh-so-irregular letter writing :D
Amethyst: Nehmind Stace, just shake dry!
Me: o_o
Me: Max, can i ask you a question?
Max: (*sees look on my face) What? Spit it out before you burst.
Me: Do guys um, shake dry?
Max: You mean like, after we pee?
Me: (*quite uncomfortable and surprised by this point of time) You mean you're familiar with the term 'shake dry'?!
Max: There's alot of things you don't know about guys. Like how rarely we use toilet paper.
Holy canoli. How naive can I get?! Please tell me that Max doesn't speak for the entire male population. I am, as of now, shocked and rather disgusted.
Just another day in the life of yours truly, bite-size.
P.S. your postcard arrived in the mail last night Liz. The one with the union jack splashed across it (how very un-typical) but it was a lovely surprise. You came back before it did, tho! Tell me your add again and we shall continue our oh-so-irregular letter writing :D
Monday, August 03, 2009
Chasing my dreams with a coke and a smile

dark stars on the ceiling.
Somehow I can't seem to dream in colour,
without you around.
Monday blues. The rest of the week is not looking promising. Why I was ever stupid/insane/retarded to take up H2 math, I do not know.
Although Dayna's nonsense and her sudden-morphing into a lesbian (other people kiss, and i tell. Tiara got two pecks on the cheek from the Perv!) was rather amusing. Empty threats of raping or peeing all over yours truly will not faze me. HAHA.
We also won Oliver's team today at Handball. Hoorah for the awesome team comprising of ZY, Amos, Nicholas, Kai, Dayna, Suat! I promised i would say something in ode of Suat Ning, who proved to be our team's secret weapon with all the spot-on goals! YOU ROCK C2. and please bring more sweets tomorrow.
I abhor having to stay back till six thirty everyday for Music Ministry practice in preparation for national day mass on Friday! I'm not even Catholic. Okay yes, I'm a lazy lout of a leader, who has to be dragged to MM meetings by the president, but at least I'm not a tosser like Nick The Guitarist. Swearing in the prayer room! I will not be surprised if lightning strikes down on him or the floor opens up and swallows him.
9 more days to lady gaga. God knows I need a break.
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Let's Dance to Joy Division!

and beauty became salt of my sadness.
I set out to master the art of passion,
but i found you instead.
It was a coloured world,
at least for a little bit,
we breathed out
the violets and reds and the yellows,
fiery feelings,
filling the concrete pavements.
This is our spring,
at least for the summer.
Time is the enemy this week. Sleeping has become a luxury!
As things go when you don't update online sites (which ought to be updated regularly but due to unforeseen circumstances such as school and anniversary dinners and Harry Potter movies and PW-induced headaches, they often well, don't.), we consult the common way of blogging. That is, The List.
1. Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince
Popcorn has become the staple diet, these past two weeks. I've gone to the movies four times, and all to watch the same flick (YES okay it did take out a chunk out of my pocket, but still.) Well it wasn't as epic as expected but it redeemed itself with the brief appearances of Cormac Mclaggan doing smexy things like
Ginny is an old box-faced git. And now i do agree with Tiara, Seamus can be a bit of tosser with his awful accent.
Watched it first with Yiwen and Tiara after two basktball matches last wednesday, watched it argain on friday with C2, Kai and the rest of the gang. Suat ning was spazzing when she say Tom Felton, sigh. Never again.
2. Big Gob reaches epitome of annoyance. Go screw yourself, enough said. (are you with me, friends!)
okay so i was rather pissed off that Dad didn't manage to score tickets for the match last Sunday, but Friday's velocity trip made up for it. FANTASTIC STUFF. Sarah left with Zac earlier and so i was left to find this anonymous person 'Sophia', hop into a cab with her and go! Kenneth was being a prick and taking his own sweet time to eat YTF(!) so with no other option, spent 10 minutes trying to contact my mysterious escort. She turned out to be really nice and turns out she's patti's friend and i've met her before!
Hopped into the called cab with Jen and Eugene and off we went to see the best English club in the history of the world.

It was in short, absolutely epic. Hundreds of maniacs screaming, clad in red and white and black but mostly in red. Some mental guy had tattoos carved into every inch of his skin in tribute to Liverpool! Zac got filmed for singing an improvised version of the Beatles 'Yellow Submarine', with changed lyrics of course. Rather exciting.
So we were all under the impression that only Jamie Carragher was turning up for the session but when they announced Torres was making a surprise appearance... everyone went wild. Wilder than we already were. I mean seriously, besides the fact that he is an excellent footie player, he has the added bonus of being gorgeous.

Good experience. Too bad i couldn't see the Singapore team get thrashed silly by them.
Alonso better not leave D:
4. BRACES = off!
Retainers hurt. hella lot. Had to wrestle with Dr. Yang cause he was clamping down on my retainers too roughly. He won, of course, and now my mouth is sore ow ow ow
5. NLCC 20th year anniversary
Quite rad. Although SICC turned out to be a little ratty with a too-teeny stage, the celebratins went well :D Of course, everyone was dressed to the nines, and it nice to see all the boys in shirts and ties. Good change from the baggy tees and what not.
I hate

After about a billion shots, Aunty Yu ming found the next two satisfactory, and we were released!

Nicely-taken ones.

And so it ended. Here's to many more years to come!
6. MUSIC from stiff-upper-lip land
Although I know its pretty bad to classify music by its regions, but I've been definitely hooked on English Indie bands recently. Kudos to Sarah G who gave the excellent recommendation of 'Passion Pit' (she caught them live in London! MEH!).
Other bands include The Wombats, Joy Division, Jamie T and of course, the Kooks! Brilliant record.
I was quite offended when Will/Bill said that English bands sounded like rubbish. TSSSK. Listen to them, everyone! Not all of us have peephole horizons :)
7. School and Such
The workload has been mighty crazy. As if the timetable isn't enough to KILL us, ms yoong piles up the endless math tutorials and the thought of a Lit PC essay due is not appealing. Of course, there's the ever-present, nagging tug concerning PW. My EOM is of now, absolutely crap. And submission's on Monday! Nevermind, i have my best friend HH to help me battle against J.O.
Kai and C2 also shifted to the back of class and i miss them D:
Clarebear got the secretary position in Editorial and her first assignment is to buy eclairs (ECLARES how apt) for our editorial 'party' next week. Hurrah.
8. A Frenzied Friday. baking, BBQs and late-night jam sessions
TGIF doesn't apply, when you're rushing around singapore on four hours of sleep. C2 ditched me after school but when i went to Island Creamery, Lee was there! A pleasant surprise. Trudged to Jen's house after that to do some baking for goodness knows what. Sick of the smell of cookie dough and the Lee Family's uncontrollable mutt called Rusty.
BBQ at nicole's place! Thrown in ode to Victoria, who got accepted to New York University recently and came back for a holiday. Obviously, there was not enough food and someone forgot to get carbs, but the laughter made up for it.
Headed to pat's, who recently soundproofed his room/evolving studio. Still, it was still too late to do anything but try a few acoustics. Guess we all know where we'll be hanging out more now!
9. Linguistics Symposium
School on a saturday sounds like the worst thing in the world. But it turned out to be enriching and included lots of information about journalism. Although i don't see how it can help us in ELL papers. KW was taking notes like the world was about to end.
The refreshments were DE-LISH. After being reasonably well-behaved all morning, its safe to say we disgraced outselves by stuffing our faces. HA!
10. Stoked! about Lady Gaga
Yiwen and her funny ideas. Fishnet stockings and a neon dress?! I'll sooner jump off a cliff. But it should be mighty fun. Ten days to go before the epic gig!
I almost became the owner of a cat today D:
The effect of the two cokes i had earlier is running out. Till next time, au revoir!
Hubba Hubba,
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