1. THE WORST IS OVER! REJOICE! The second week is done. Biology paper was pretty easy and could see that our whole class hardly broke a sweat. This is all credit to ms Voon's excellent teaching [if we had gotten cough cough, god knows what would have happened.] Four more papers and its really over.
2. Everyone please vote for Paramore as best rock act at the EMAs Liverpool! You have 12 days and YOUR VOTE COUNTS.
3. Decode video is premiering november third in all major music channels/radio stations on november 3rd, so watch out for uploads on youtube. So twilight fans [urk.] who think vamps flitting between trees are the shizzle, you'll like this one. (also not to be missed: Jeremy Davis' new
4. With all the ripped out history mindmaps, the wall looks really barren. As a really early birthday present, william said he would sponser a couple of online posters! Yayers.
5. Admist the cramming and constant mugging, i've missed out on alot of 'action' from the krossfire people. The 'liquor' queen got thrown out of a club last saturday for lying on the dancefloor and refusing to budge. Needless to say, J was embarrassed. Reminds me of last year when we did a show and Beer Queen got tipsy on two cocktails, calling me 'Justin' and calling Justin 'Cindy'. Quite a scene. Those were the days.
6. Mom demands to learn how to use facebook and has proclaimed her IT tutor yours truly. The prospect is certainly daunting, since mom doesn't even know that you're supposed to put a 'dot-com' at the end of a web address, let alone use a networking sites. May the lord give me patience
7. 30 seconds to mars wins two awards for Kerrang! 08, beating you me at six for best brit band. This is disgusting. what happened to music!
8. May i say that hayley's hair at the premier of Mtv 2008 Guadalajara - Mexico, looked like she just dipped her head in a vat of cherry syrup. The performance was flawless though, new drum solo by Zachary on TWYG, brilliant! One thing i didnt know: Mexicans sure are feisty paramore fans. They played their last show yesterday and got mobbed like hell.
9. I heard people are comparing harry potter and twilight now, and worse, proclaiming the latter do be victors in the fantasy novel struggle. Let's put one fact straight; Teenage romance novel it may be, or even Fiction fad of the year, but great literature it does not make. Just because half the ah lian population in singapore is squealing over edward cullen DOES NOT make it hail-worthy. Harry Potter, anyday.
10. Its pretty darn late. Goodnight all!
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