counting passions on spread bedsheets,
you fill my mind with violet red.
I think i'm getting better,
than again you can't be too sure,
forget this,
forget me,
Perhaps i've read you wrong.
So this is it. One whole decade spent wandering along well-trampled corridoors, yelling our lungs out at Sports days, counting down the torturous moments till the bell went. These are unforgettable memories that will stay with me for a long time, if not ever. With reality sinking in, that we ARE really graduating from the school, it stings alot. I suppose you never know what a good thing you have until you lose it.
No more sitting in a classroom, sleeping off a triple-period physics class or pretending to drink out of the science lab test tubes just to infuriate mr quek[mr potato head, you were mucho fun. Sorry that we kinda make you trip. it was unintentional, and besides, you weren't paying attention which caused you to trip at the roadside kurb and hurtle into the lamp post at 100km/h but i digress.].
Gone are the days where we discreetly snapped pictures of people taking a snooze, or holding up weird signs, or having marker-competitions. Goodbye weird nicknames bestowed upon yours truly by ms kang, and the marvellous English lessons[we lived for these onehour slots. English was something to look forward to among the masses of triple-science periods of hearing mr poh berate us over some minute issue/talk about windsurfing to make us go all oooh aahhh]
Last time falling asleep and getting scrawled all over. No more piggy-backing gen around the entire school or being smashed against concrete by geraldine. i will miss our poke wars, walking home with patricia and laughing till we crash into bushes. Hearing the three sarahs bicker about something or another.
But this is how it all works i suppose. its been fun when it lasted, and the good thing is that it doesn't have to end! But for now, all we can do is STRIVE. let's work hard for the Os people!

So the day was pretty much crockful of hasty pictures, scribbling notes and hugging people. the camera swere whipped out at every opporutnity to snap a shot, so everyone was complaining about backaches of that sort after posing for five minutes. HAHAHA.
OH. and we also received our last[tho simple] study it from ms kwan. It was just plain awesome, the feeling where you know there are actually teachers out there who genuinely care about your well being instead of being 100% academically focused. Thank you so much ms kwan! you were definately a real blessing, we were honoured and also very fortunate to have you for a whole year.
Went back home. The past two days have been spent airport rampaging with Clare and Amanda[and a very random Patti in her bright green jacket.] upates after i finish this incredible amount of physics papers which is quite insane. And pack my table with its masses of stacked papers.
Bye all. [also i have this crescent-shaped scratch on my face from last night and i think clare totally scratched it on me when i was sleeping. phoooo you.]
AH! ACJC pictures first.
and the pink shirt guy, who is, according to jennifer, every indian girls dream. AHHA.
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