Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Quotes from the Lesser-Known: Part 19

'Hey Tiara! What's a place you'd like to visit before you die?' 
'Africa! I want to be one with nature. And animals. I love animals.' 
'Let's talk about the local education system. Is there anything fundamentally wrong with it?' 
'I think the problem with the Singaporean education system is that there's just too much focus on results. It doesn't matter how you get there, but as long as you hit the mark, you're gold. Even if it means sacrificing sleep, or mindlessly memorising till you can't absorb anything else. Do kids even learn anything that way? Do they even remember half of what they've learnt once exams are through? I know I didn't.'

Tiara C, 20
Doodler. Has a cat. 

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