The most influential person in my life is unknown to most. There are no books or films detailing her life and times; even her name is elusive to most. As a simple homemaker and the humble wife of a businessman, you will not find my mother's name inscribed in history textbooks or her face splashed on magazines. Nonetheless, she is an inspiration to me.
From the view of most people, my mother (whose name for the record, is Jorina) was destined for greater things other than being, well, my mother. Born into a well-to-do family, Jo was given an English education, complete with perks such as B&W television and music lessons, something hard to come by in the traditional '60s. Being artistic from young, Jo entered NAFA and graduated successfully as the first batch of graphic artists in Singapore. She began to carve a name for herself, going on to work in the burgeoning art industry; prestigious galleries and designing firms. However, when she became a mother, Jo prioritized her children above anything else; including her career.
Being a mother to three children was not easy, but Jo excelled in it. Besides the dreary household chores to attend to, she scorned the idea of paying tuition teachers an extravagant amount of money and took it upon herself to educate my sisters and I in Mathematics, Science, and the like. She bought scores of books from bookfairs and secondhand shops, introducing us to the fantasy world of the Brothers Grimm and Enid Blyton. Instead of watching 'junk' cartoons, as she called them, we grew up watching Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers' musicals and the entire M.A.S.H collection when we got older. Most importantly, Jo taught her to be kind and compassionate, and strong in our faith.
More so than I realise, my mother has shaped me into the person I am today. The girl whose life has become so immersed in music stems from her absolute conviction to get me started through piano lessons and buying my first guitar. The girl fond of Hemingway, Audrey Hepburn and Queen comes from her insistence that I learn to love the classics. The girl who goes to church every sunday and for missionary trips comes from her very own example to have a servant's heart. My mother continues to be a friend, a confidante, and the ultimate example of how I continue to live my life today.
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