'I know your head aches, I know you're tired, I know your nerves are as raw as meat in a butcher's window. But think what you're trying to accomplish. Think what you're dealing with. The majesty and grandeur of the English language, it's the greatest possession we have. The noblest thoughts that ever flowed through the hearts of men are contained in its extraordinary, imaginative, and musical mixtures of sounds. And that's what you've set yourself out to conquer Eliza. And conquer it you will.'Professor Henry Higgins
in My Fair Lady
Played by Rex Harrison
I watched this three-hour musical again after doing an extract from Pygmalion (Bernard Shaw, 1939) during Literature enrichment a couple of days back. It must prove to be somehow useful for ELL... I hope. No matter, we all need our breaks, don't we? After all, it was Eliza Doolittle who first declared that she 'could have danced all night'!
(then again, she also said 'Come on, Dover, move yer bloomin' arse!' This could be a nudge from the Great Audrey herself for me to start mugging. Intensely.)
Ippudo yesterday with obscene gang was delish :) And also the record-spam, where Clare and I chanced upon a Fleet Foxes EP for only a tenner! It was rather exhilarating. So ends my 3am rant.
Goodnight everyone, continue to study hard!
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