'Life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about.'
Oscar Wilde
It's been quite a journey, but we finally graduated from the hell that is JC (only a place like Singapore could have so ghastly an educational institution as such) last friday. I'd like to say that I experienced overwhelming waves of nostalgia and sadness. I, infact, did not. But that's probably because we're going to see each other many times before the As.
I know I've never really taken school as seriously as most people have, being apparent bad influences on people like Tiara and Dayna, and getting into trouble from skipping ELL lectures with Amy/not doing literature essays/talking during math class and getting mine or other people's phones confisicated. I surprise myself by saying I'm gonna miss school, not for its bland and mindless work, but for the friends.
Getting help from a bunch of pictures, I will attempt to list my gratitudes :)

Mother Theresa always manages to keep me (and the rest of us) and my feet on the ground in school... kinda like a pull down to reality. Not to say we didn't have our fun... Badass memories of ms. Chua hauling her out of class and whatnot. And the endless doodles. Love you so much Tiara! You are so talented! We're so not cut-out for this kinda education path. Overseas, and beyond!

I swear these two just look more and more like each other everyday. I'm really glad to know these jokers tho. Even if Simlin is perpetually having blonde moments and yiwen is forever pinching her cheeks. YW: first friend in JC! It's so incredible. And how we all thought Simlin was just another groupie from the Kranji Gang'. ha! Thanks for all fun CSE times and being part of Satays :)

Moose! I don't know why you're so crazy like that. But we all like your weirdness... I think. Class would be boring without you! From singing old cartoon theme songs to having scary hunger pangs for teppanyaki (and creating world record times for TP macs-dash), it's been fun. Fangs or no fangs. ><

I really don't know how we ended up sitting together dhaliwal, but it's been a real laugh. Although you torture me with your 'witty' jabber and get me into trouble during math class. Exasperating. Not forgetting you haven't properly apologised. TSK. You owe me a rap battle *rawr! See you around, ki :)

ten years and counting! Once a brownie, always a brownie (oh snap, racist joke!). I don't think I could find a longer-lasting or more fantastic friend than you. I know we are old souls, but seriously mate, get an ipod. Or an mp3 at least. Not the discman.
Anyway, we're probably gonna be going to the same U. That's another four years together dude! Can't wait for epic times :D

Amethyst, you can't imagine what a friend you've been to me. You'd think if two people had to spend as much time together as two of us have, we'd be lashing out at each other's throats. But with amy, that's impossible, cause she has the biggest heart in the world (cue: awwww...) I'm going to miss the endless bowls of YTF and watermelon slices every break we had. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you, probably hang out with Kangwei all the time, in that case I would be sleeping in the library and not eating at all. I digress.
Just want to say I love you a whole lot and wish you the best of luck in everything!

Sigh what would I do without my first tag-team mate? (alot of things. Hell yeah, I just ripped off your witty joke!) I know you have...
a) great organisational skills i.e. USs, Timbre
b) hands to prop my head up when it starts to slump during 'intense' study sessions
c) a wit that is ALMOST or EQUAL to mine.
I also know that the past six months without all the going out and spending too much money would have been incredibly boring. To list them all out would have been impossible. But just know that I love you sista' (haha!) and all the humour you've brought along with you. Like 'Soo-ie!' and 'nabeiyi'. See you, probably, seven times next week :D

Thanks to ms. Teo for being such a great home tutor. The best one we had, actually (undertones, anyone?) And srsly, thanks for giving me the camera token for being the worst class photographer in the the history of the world.
To Suat and Kai: Hello cube sisters/queen! We've got to go out soon. Island Creamery to snag stickers, watch a movie, go shopping! Suat, you owe me one for being such a terrible Chinese tutor. Heh. I kid. Thanks guys, for everything and making 2T07 less dreary and more fun.

I love this, IDK why we are so badass. 'Cept for manda, she just looks like a hippie-gone-wrong (worse, it was my idea... ha!) Anyway, love you guys for everything!
Tag team!
Vag face/clare: Sorry for being such a nerd in secondary school and not hanging out more with you then (you are effy and I am pandora! Skins reference!). I'm so glad we got to know each other so much better the past 2-3 years. Love you alot, more sleepovers to come!
Jac(k) and Jill: just had to put you two together for the phonetic effect. Thanks for making tag team outings more fun. Hopefully we'll be seeing you guys in HK, or some other exotic place soon! :)

See you guys at the Obscene Olympics!
Anyway, CJC journey has been epic. Let's defeat the As together guys! :D
Sometimes, I am just too sentimental. Goodnight, all!