Singfest 2010

So I wasn't feeling all that up to it on tuesday, but I'm kinda glad I went. Its awesomeness made me want to get a ticket for Smashing Pumpkins on day 3 (and from what Victor said, they played 1979 from Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness which they play, like, NEVER.)
The Like (alternative poprock band based in L.A.) was unexpectly good. Hail all-girl rockbands!

she reminds me of dull gret. Have been studying way too much lit... HA! I lie. Churchill gets into your head, tho.

Nameless bass, but you can pretty much guess its a hofner. Paul McCartney would have been proud.

Orianthi was an absolutely wicked, 'cept when she opened her mouth and the ghastly aussie accent came spilling out. You could practically see the looks of awe change to looks of mortification when she stopped playing the slick steve-vai licks and tried to increase audience participation by talking. Still, you can't fault the girl, being in MJ's last unseen-tour gives you immunity.

Lounged around while the wondergirls were on!
Harry's was the official caterer, everything was overpriced as usual!

So anyway there was this buff mixed-dude standing in front of us and Sarah asked whether I could take a picture with him. *blushes. And then she called me a cheap slut. THANKS.

Whoot whoot!


If they didn't show that much skin, people would have boo-ed them straight off. Most lukewarm-applause performance of the night!

They were so-so. I don't have a taste of effeminate dudes and mediocre instrumentals. Although Bill has GOT to get a trophy for managing to squeeze into those pants.
Anyway, I was pretty pissed that by the time Katy Perry got on (it took about 45 minutes for them to set the props up and vulgarities were aflame in the mob), there was no batt left cause Sheri used it all to take pictures of Tokio. It was a serious FML moment.
These were the best two pictures before the cam died... at least we got to watch her rock on guitar and sing with amazing vocals. Doesn't hurt that she is hella BEAUTIFUL!

Between holding press-conferences in the sea and having a fiance like Russell Brand, no one can say Katy Perry isn't amazing.
So concludes this year's Singfest! 2008 did have a better line-up I suppose, but you can't expect Jason Mraz and Panic to come every year, right?
The last week has ben breezyyyy. Career day on Wednesday and National Day celebrations today. Loving the long weekend ahead! Will finally have time to listen to the new Arcade Fire album. Have a great holiday everyone :)
flat tummy despite the beer in my hands, proves i'm only superhuman!! (ignore the double chin thanks.)
ahhaah shut up. I thought you were one of the weird china people commenting
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