I remember getting one of these from my penpal (by snail mail, mind you, all the way from Europe) years ago. Now, I still have no inkling of what it's truly for; give you pleasant dreams, take away the nightmares, or simply for you to remember the subconscious drifting? You tell me.
Anyway, found some rather lovely quote online by D.H Lawrence. Finally something he says that makes sense to me!

Oops, which reminds me. Lit essay which was due last week and not yet handed up. uh-oh. Lit tutorials are getting incredibly dull.
Ms Chua: Class, am I going too fast?Val(whispers): No, she's going too boringon the other hand,
CHICAGO was wicked. What can I say, I love cabaret. Full update next time! For now, it's time to surf into dreams :)
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