Search for your inner rockstar,
climb trees and make the world your own
Hey girl,
you make it seem so easy,
taking life and slipping it into her pocket,
so they march hand in hand.
Go and make sparks
fairy dust,
on cold spring grass
Tangle of clean-cut boys
oh and the girl with their summer dresses,
stockings and tattered jeans.
what are you waiting for?
Mondays are such a trail to get up to. So procrastination was a suitable companion on a very lazy weekend; two lit essays and a CSE outline went undone, plus delibrate effort to ignore upcoming math C.A. Also, the entire family had the ill-luck of catching the flu on Saturday night. I had worse luck because the flu turned out to be a 24-hour bug, which meant school as per usual today! Drats.
Still it hasn't been all dull.
Here's to good, clean wholesome fun to NLCC Family Day! Oh hey!

Kenny's birthday at Swensens and Clare's 18th Surprise party a little over a week ago. Stalling is not my best ability. Lead a rather bemused Clare around like an aimless sheep till she got all huffy about going to Marche two hours late and... hola! SURPRISE!
Happy bithday to Rach too, where Clare and I were almost late as we squeezed the massive cupcake balloon out of Clare's mom's van thingy and it popped anyway. Go mommy!

eating healthy veggies. Hey, friday is vegan day!

loved the lightning in the photos.

Somehow by the end of the night, we always have one of these. Why nat, why!
Had a pretty crazy journey on the circle line, actually, it almost felt like a journey across the earth. 18 people, lest restless younger youth who slid down empty MRT stair rails and hollered across ticketing booths.
Still, we made it! hurrah!

Day 10 of the doodle diary. Nicholas Glascow tore a page out 'by accident' he says, but I know its just to get back at me for ignoring him the whole lesson. Irritant! None the less, Math Prep Hours was pretty okay cause we listened to brit bands all night and sand while Kieran mercilessly dissed the Wombats, Passion Pit, Phoenix, the like. Sigh.
CHICAGO tomorrow! Have been waiting for this for months! Unfortch, it's a likely possibility that I'll be wearing school U to such a glam event, courtesy of music ministry rehearsals and lit evening meetings. Double yuck.
Ah Math C.A. Abhor JC life vehemently.
To end on a brighter note...

uMama Warm?! Seriously, what bizarre contraption and product name will they come up with next? Great way to put people off a marginally-sellable massage machine.