Forgetting all the details, I'm just glad that Dad is now pretty much stabilized and everything has calmed down more or less. Thank you everyone for the support and prayers, it was very much needed. Yesterday would have been terrifying if not for you guys.
I kinda promised God that if Dad was alright, I would do missionary work somewhere after A-levels for a few months, so I guess now would be an apt time to plan WHERE. Haha.
Rockafella on Friday was pretty awesome. So many terrible things were happening before it started, incredibly slow set-up team, cranky sound system and almost zilch sound-check and rehearsal time.
Worst of all, by a cruel twist of fate (melodrama! melodrama!) Azriel managed to accidently snap my E-string whilst sliding all over the audi-ex floor and doing guitar antics. So that resulted in a good hour of panic, with Jared, who pretty much became Ssssshh!'s right-hand man (with the cymbal-playing, advice-dude etc etc) preparing to run off to penin to get strings while we did our soundcheck. But Amos finally came through with his spare strings and everything was alright :D
All the rehearsals finally paid off cause WE WON! epic stuff. Made tons of new friends (love Rocket Swan, they are such funky people) and it was just a great experience.

Oh, but wait. I heard May and Sylvia are dressing up as Napolean and Napolean's horse as our class mascot (according to the ridiculous PE department's theme of 'CJC GOES FRENCH'). That ought to spice things up a little bit :D
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