'Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it every day' Noelle, 7
'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth' - Billy, 4
'I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones' - Lauren, 4
'Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your french fries without making them give you any of theirs' - Chrissy, 6
'When you love somebody, your eyelashes do up and down and little stars come out of you' Karen, 7
What love was before we all grew up. Although Lauren is probably just a product of an older sister's scheme to get new clothes (! sounds like a lot of people including me) and I'm thinking Karen just watches waaaay too many cartoons, it is pretty sweet :)
Since when did we lose the innocence? It's rather sad that now love and relationships have become more of breaking hearts and politics. Enough about senseless musings! These are what the last couple of weeks have been like.
These are some random cross country pictures from ages ago!

Miss brother Paul like mad now. He was one of the best parts of CJC and now... well, shall not comment on current leadership except EWWWW TTM.

Vintage photography
Then there was Desiree's party which was impromptu but kinda fun. Since like HALF the people there worked at ICC there was tons of free ice cream. And tell me, what is better than free ice-cream which you do not have to queue two hours for (free cone day which I missed AGAIN.)

Geeky specs are just plain awesome.

Love sissy

Went for NUS open house with Clare and Rach a couple of weeks ago if I'm not wrong and it was kinda fail. Well actually we basically took a train for about a 5000years just to get there, eat some pretty average Japanese food and hopped on a random train. Only thing accomplished was that we managed to get some free ice-cream and check out the facilitis+dorms there. New goal = to stay in block 5, which is the so called happening block!! Town for shaved ice and shopping after!
Hanging out with the cube girls in town last week :) Larking about and as usual not getting much done at all. Hahaha!

Finally met up with Sarah G who is heading off to stiff-upper-lip-agogo-land next week, or more specifically, the hometown of SKINS, to study. Crepes at Marche and Alice in Wonderland was brilliant. Hope to see them again tomorrow!
Lastly there's the wedding of the year! Daniel and Yvonne finally got hitched yay :) Loads of 'disasters' that day, like absolutely torture-instruments called heels and standing in front of the whole ceremony so I could go to the loo but finding the door locked and having to sit down again. Ah.

A nice picture with Nick for once! He looks nice when he is not fooling around and making spastic faces.

whites vs black, good vs evil!

YAY TO JEN AND I! miss mel like mad. But she is coming back soon! :))

They should totally get together two decades later.
School is a pain in the behind as per usual. Have no idea why I go there day after day just to flunk math tests and do senseless things like run 2.4 (THANK GOODNESS ITS OVER THO and we never have to do it ever again) or go for CCA.
MM auditions however, was pretty fun. Nice that Andre went home cause he was sick (nice one mr president of mm) and Alastair had soccer so I was left alone. Rather disorganized but by the end of the hour managed to get everyone 'auditioned' < in inverted commas since they are not really auditions. Not like MM rejects anyone anyway!
Alfresco on Friday! Sssssh(!) is totally unprepared for the gig but hell. Since its an acoustic set I suppose we can just wing it? Hahaha.
Also rather excited for an acoustic band that Jared and Jared's friend and I are forming. Performing at Timbre's over the holidays are our first goal! Should be fun.
But for now there's a bunch of other things to worry about. First, scraping together a decent set of grades so that our wonderful principal won't be such a twat about letting me go to Australia in June. Ah joy.