because the Sun seemed to shine
just a little bit brighter,
Stringing up bottle caps and dreams
on a string,
everything's topsy turvy when she's around.
Oh there she goes,
riding on the world's shoulders,
and dancing on the edge
We were playing scattegories before lifenet and when the category was 'animals that began with a letter S', daniel protested 'SNAILS ARE NOT ANIMALS'.
Mein Gott.
Also, we met a hella
Of course, being with two extremely oblivious and insensitive lads, they completely failed to understand my desperate and urgent eyebrow twitches to leave immediately. Le sigh. Thank goodness people like Jen, Lucy, Ains and my own mother understood how weirded-out I was by the whole situation. Its a girl thing, I suppose.
On the bright side, Nick got called up to play a bass part and Jen almost passed out with happiness. Golly!
Caught 2012 and it was 'phwoar'. Besides suatty repeatedly chanting 'omg I dont want to die', it was pretty exciting. Listening to Rach's new Fire Fight record, and I've got to say, for a local rock band, they are pretty 'bomdiggity' (as alex would put it).
Muse, Killers, YYYs. Good year for singapore in the music scene.
I probably shouldnt be up at 345am if there's church later at 8. Night all!
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