Monday, November 30, 2009

hold your tongue and your breath,
And hear the wind speak of its regrets.
But for now we're young
Let us lie down in the grass
and paint the universe
for everyone to see.
For we, my dear,
are the colour of the evening stars.
Have been putting the arduous task of updating this space over the weekend, but since today is chock-ful of a little something called the Monday Blues, hell why not?
BATAM OCIP 23rd - 26th Nov

Whilst playing the 'mother-protecting-young-chicks' game (no, i can't remember how to say that in Chinese!), the little girls kept CLUCKING her name. ha.

So all-in-all, OCIP was an aussome experience. Donut scoffing competitions, crazy-moments from the overwhelming paint fumes and the late nights (or the not-so-late nights). If I were to pick the highlight of the entire trip, between rabid grocery shopping and dancing to flo-rida, is this.

I mean, seriously, reverse-trashing. It is pure genius.
Back to watching Dirty Dancing and finishing up HIMYM on telly! From now on, it is a one-way ticket to the city of Couch-Potatotry. Till next time :)
Class of 1T07-2T07,
Hubba Hubba,
out of town,
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Are you this fleeting?

Spent three hours today poring over my brand new Diana Mini Lomograph Instruction booklet and destroying two rolls of perfectly good film. Have been snap snap snapping away ever since and I cant wait to get them developed (Although it would be rather embarrasing if all of the shots turn out in a pallid shade, or worse, blurred.)
In exactly eight hours, we'll be shipping out to batam for OCIP! ah, ocip worries never do seem to stop.
Like how two hours ago, Tiara called and told me this.
Nov 22, 2009
26 dead after ferry sinks

JAKARTA - UP TO 26 people were killed and some 250 were plucked to safety after a ferry sank in heavy seas off Indonesia's Sumatra island on Sunday, officials said.
The 147-tonne Dumai Express was sailing from Batam island to Pekanbaru when it went down in high seas off Karimun island, near Singapore in the north of the Indonesian archipelago, police said.
'The latest data (we have are) 250 people were rescued, including the ferry captain and 12 crew members. Twenty-six people have died. We don't know how many are missing,' navy Lieutenant Colonel Edwin told AFP.
Karimun district chief Nurdin Basirun earlier said 21 people had died and 232 had been pulled alive from the stormy seas.
Officials said the death toll could rise as the number of people aboard the ferry when it went down around 10am (0300 GMT, 11am Singapore time) was unknown and many might have been trapped below decks. Its capacity was 273 passengers and crew, but overcrowding is common on Indonesian ferries.
'Strong waves hit the ferry and caused the front part to crack. Water got in and within half an hour it sank,' Lt. Col. Edwin said. 'The ferry is underwater. We know its position but we have yet to check inside to see if there's anyone trapped.' He said the search and rescue efforts had been suspended until first light on Monday. -- AFP
Of course this triggered a wave of frenzied phone calls, but what else can you expect with overly-anxious parents? Eventually tho, with my excellent persuasive skills, managed to convince Tiara to go. Phewwww.
I have never been more stoked to paint walls in tacky track pants, or snooze on a possibly bedbug-infested bedspread.
So here's to Batam. Bon Voyage!
Class of 1T07-2T07,
out of town,
rants and raves
Monday, November 16, 2009
I'm on my way to believing.

I hope I'm not asking for much, but the following is the list of things I want to do. I hope somewhere out there you're listening, because it seems like lately I've been losing control of you.
What I would like to do is to wake up tomorrow morning and feel great. Sit at home under a fluffy duvet and watch Breakfast at Tiffany's and My Fair Lady for the billionth time. To sit in a coffeehouse all day sipping overpriced ice-blends and read a good Margaret Atwood poetry collection. To take more walks to nowhere whilst listening to a bizarre mix of The Clash and Sex Pistols, with some Regina Spektor thrown in. To actually laugh out loud and love something worthwhile. Carry a guitar around and sing for strangers, because sometimes that's what life is all about.
That's what you're all about.
To have someone to share all of this with.
So dear Life, I usually abhor talking in cliches, but don't forget to remember me.
the finer things in life,
Saturday, November 14, 2009
slap my wrists with the taste of sweet consequence

because the Sun seemed to shine
just a little bit brighter,
Stringing up bottle caps and dreams
on a string,
everything's topsy turvy when she's around.
Oh there she goes,
riding on the world's shoulders,
and dancing on the edge
We were playing scattegories before lifenet and when the category was 'animals that began with a letter S', daniel protested 'SNAILS ARE NOT ANIMALS'.
Mein Gott.
Also, we met a hella
Of course, being with two extremely oblivious and insensitive lads, they completely failed to understand my desperate and urgent eyebrow twitches to leave immediately. Le sigh. Thank goodness people like Jen, Lucy, Ains and my own mother understood how weirded-out I was by the whole situation. Its a girl thing, I suppose.
On the bright side, Nick got called up to play a bass part and Jen almost passed out with happiness. Golly!
Caught 2012 and it was 'phwoar'. Besides suatty repeatedly chanting 'omg I dont want to die', it was pretty exciting. Listening to Rach's new Fire Fight record, and I've got to say, for a local rock band, they are pretty 'bomdiggity' (as alex would put it).
Muse, Killers, YYYs. Good year for singapore in the music scene.
I probably shouldnt be up at 345am if there's church later at 8. Night all!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Cat! Caaat!

Holly Golightly: He's all right! Aren't you, cat? Poor cat! Poor slob! Poor slob without a name! The way I see it I haven't got the right to give him one. We don't belong to each other. We just took up one day by the river. I don't want to own anything until I find a place where me and things go together. I'm not sure where that is but I know what it is like. It's like Tiffany's.
Holly: You know those days when you get the mean reds?
Paul Varjak: The mean reds, you mean like the blues?
Holly: No. The blues are because you're getting fat and maybe it's been raining too long, you're just sad that's all. The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you're afraid and you don't know what you're afraid of. Do you ever get that feeling?
Paul: Sure.
Holly: Well, when I get it the only thing that does any good is to jump in a cab and go to Tiffany's. Calms me down right away. The quietness and the proud look of it; nothing very bad could happen to you there. If I could find a real-life place that'd make me feel like Tiffany's, then - then I'd buy some furniture and give the cat a name!
George Peppard is probably the hottie of the 20th century. Of course, besides Gregory Peck & Humphrey Bogart.
Audrey Hepburn though, will forever the most beautiful woman in the world. There are no words to describe how much I love Breakfast at Tiffany's, cats, and crossiants! And also how the Holly character is so much like Cassie from Skins, or rather, the other way round.
Who said the oldies were dull?
Saturday, November 07, 2009
She's got you high, and you don't even know it.

1:51am and I am trying to get through The Last Witchfinder by James Morrow, which is possibly the most difficult novel I've ever attempted to go through. I could do with more simple reads, like 'She's come undone' or the newest Mitch Albom book, but no, I HAD to decide to pick up the lè plus difficile one to read.
As if books like 'Women in Love' aren't enough to kill, for the rest of the year at least.
What I need it, a good ice-blend and sitting at a coffeehouse for a few hours to read and listen to music. Enough of the non-stop music practices and jobs and one-too-many-movies!
OH. whoops. OP.
Up in five hours. Au revoir!
Twist and shout!

(when you and I are alone, I never felt so at home)
What would it take to make or break this hint of love,
(we need time, only time)
When we're apart whatever are you thinking of?
(If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?)
So tell me darlin' do you wish we'd fall in love,
All the time, all the time.
-Saltwater Room by Owl City
Pure genius. Ever seen a couple with such great onscreen chemistry? Besides Scott Speedman & Kate Beckinsale from the Underworld series.
Evolving into somewhat of a theater-junkie. Watched This Is It a total of three times, (500) days three times, Julie&Julia, Sister's Keeper, Fame, and Lesbian Vampire Killers in a space of two weeks. Time to lay off the movie tickets if I'm planning to not eat grass at the end of the month!
Will be at GM the entire day today having music/the musical practices and I'm not looking forward to it. Cannot wait till OCIP comes along in a couple of weeks time, just to escape from Singapore's ass-kicking hectic lifestyle. Hanging out with awesome people of 1T07, hotel-room parties and doing wicked graffiti on walls for 'Community service' is rather appealing.
PW OP is still a major pain in the behind, but it'll all be over on Monday! Here's to next week.
Got a new phone and hopefully, I'll be able to post some mediocre-quality pictures up from my camera phone. This space is dying from a lack of colour (Death Cab for Cutie ref!)
Feist and Wolfmother are good listens for the week. Till next time!
Sunday, November 01, 2009
50 ways to leave your lover

do do, do do!
12: 23am: Feeling amazing (electric veins) and wide-eyed. This is more worrying than it should be, considering there are chinese A-levels in less than eight hours. Horse's patoot.
All that energy is probably from watching Joseph Gordon-Levitt get down to the 'You make my dreams come true' track by Hall&Oates six hundred times, who are by the way hella amazing. Also from having Brand New Eyes on repeat for the past week.

Getting my work pay in a couple of days and there are no words to express how relieved I would feel. Time to pay back all my jazz concerts/workshop ticket debts to Luki (who has become Nick's and my personal loanshark), save up for the DSLR and buy a stack of good records. I'm thinking some Ella FitzGerald, or the newest Thelonious Monk record.
Meanwhile, its revisiting old favourites like Regina Spektor, the Smiths & Simon&Garfunkel <3 style="font-style: italic;">Ahhh.
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