I told the world
that the Sun rose for you today.
I inked it across
The bedroom walls,
All this for an ordinary boy.
Shiver under winter shadows,
I told the world
that the stars shone for you today.
So i lay beside you
and heard you breathe,
All this for an ordinary boy.
So i struggle with the poetry sometimes,
But i hope you know there is
Love in purple markers
and warm blankets,
I hope you know.
Well hello everyone.
I ought to apologize for the long post-less lull but i shan't because of the mind-blasting things that have been going on. And yes, mind-blasting, not blowing. BLASTING.
Church Camp was wicked fun :D Finally an opportunity to let loose a little. Because foooools like Jen refuses to upload pictures on Facebook, these are the snapshots i managed to collate from a various number of people. Credits to Kor James, Uncle Fangwei and Kor Swee Cheng!
Started on 6th June. Not-so-good-flight, check-in at Courtyard Hotel, mooching around One Borneo Mall and first of many seafood dinners at the Restaurant.
Our hotel room was hella far away. Took us about ten minutes to find it, with all the lugging of cases, hiking bags and packs. Not to mention Jennifer's sense of direction isn't all that great either!
Watched 17 again AGAIN (YES THEY WERE SHOWING IT.) and with ticket prices at 9RM, who gives a crap.
Island Hopping/Scuba Diving and meaningless jumpshots!
I ought to apologize for the long post-less lull but i shan't because of the mind-blasting things that have been going on. And yes, mind-blasting, not blowing. BLASTING.
Church Camp was wicked fun :D Finally an opportunity to let loose a little. Because foooools like Jen refuses to upload pictures on Facebook, these are the snapshots i managed to collate from a various number of people. Credits to Kor James, Uncle Fangwei and Kor Swee Cheng!
Started on 6th June. Not-so-good-flight, check-in at Courtyard Hotel, mooching around One Borneo Mall and first of many seafood dinners at the Restaurant.
Our hotel room was hella far away. Took us about ten minutes to find it, with all the lugging of cases, hiking bags and packs. Not to mention Jennifer's sense of direction isn't all that great either!
Watched 17 again AGAIN (YES THEY WERE SHOWING IT.) and with ticket prices at 9RM, who gives a crap.
Island Hopping/Scuba Diving and meaningless jumpshots!

Beach games! Which was awesome stuff wherein our team (TEAM INFLAMMARE RAWR. though megan and I firmly supported the 'Set Lunch' name) got to showcase our skills.

It was actually, kinda fun :D
Mount KK Climb
Alex(is)' words 'One word. Never again.'
Wow. and this conversation we had the entire trip to Sabah is probably worth mentioning
Me: You twaaaat!
Alex: I am one, you have one!
*Both of us laughs.
Got to love that quote.
Back to the pictures!

Woke up at 1am the next day and took off for the summit at 2:30am to watch the sunrise. Although it was only 2km distance up, it was torturous. With the kind of inclined plane we were trekking up, there were times where we had to rely on merely the rope to pull ourselves up, with huge bags on our back.


Really beautiful!

Climbing down was twice as hard compared to going up! Really. After the five hour hike down, everyone in the van was totally knocked out. Two Lee siblings on either shoulder couldn't even keep me awake, and that speaks volumes! Crashed when we got to the hotel.
More pictures will be up when i get the opportunity!
Rest of the days were spent watching movies both at Luki's room and at the theater (must take advantage of the cheap prices!). Also eating a hell lot of good food. Shopping was a must :D F.O.S is the shizzle.
So that was 6th to 13th June.
Had sore knees (so bad that i couldn't tie my laces for three days) and fatigue, so that served as an excuse NOT to study for the next few days. And then all the activities started to roll in.
Sentosa trip with 4.8ers sometime this week, which turned out to be a blast. Projects in the evening killed the fun, although Maxxie was thoroughly entertaining (dude, where's my fries?!)

Decided to watch Hannah Montana Movie because DMTH made us lose our appetites (How many times can an old woman hurl in one movie?!) and it turned out to be pretty darn GOOD. I say this only because of
a) Rascal Flatts having a cameo, and the lead holding MY Gibson Jumbo Hummingbird with the engraved fingerplate
b) Taylor Swift performing while holding a baby taylor. How cliche.
c) LUCAS TILL. hubba hubba.
d) The shoe-fight scene. Tyra Banks srsly kicked some cyrus ass there!
Besides all that, i nearly died when she sang 'The Climb' and when she and Travis (Mr Till) sucked face. Urgggh.
Also made the stupid decision of going to Escape Theme Park with the non-east-siders. Discovered that Nicholas is an absolute ninny since he was screaming and making Alex protect him half the time instead of leading the girls like he's supposed to. Mark Lee and Mark Tang were srsly brave there man!
In the end we stopped for so long because of the fog that some guy had to walk in and guide us through. We r losers.
Viking ship almost made Bex hurl. You shoulda seen her face, it cracked me up!
Had a minor panic attack just now when i relised how much study i actually have to do before literature papers the coming Saturday. I am in deep deeeep crap. Thus the double study sessions with the CJC east-siders on Monday and Tuesday. God please help me.
Goodnight all.
Remember to eat your crazy pills for tomorrowwww!
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