Writing posts and reminiscing about Europe is all well and fine, but I thought it would be good to talk about real-time stuff for a bit. Life, unfortunately, does go on. Uni life starts next week and I have no idea how I should feel about that. Mostly, ambivalent. Anyway.
Besides watching lots of
The Office & basically bumming around a lot at home, I've been catching up with old friends through lunch dates and movies and sleepovers. Which is nice :) Caught
Bridesmaids, which was so hilarious even though it got so much bad press here in Singapore (Sure,
The Hangover is fine but when women do it...)
Finally managed to watch the final installment of the HP series today! It was wonderful, except for the bit at the end when all of them returned as middle-age versions of themselves. Drawn-on crows feet does not make Emma Watson an old lady, just saying.
It's more than amazing to see how these characters and the actors themselves have grown; more so because we have grown up with the books and the movies. I remember receiving the first four novels as a gift from an aunt in the late 1990s, who had bought the set abroad and sent it back to Singapore, where it wasn't popular yet. From then on, it's just been one long, wizardry craze. Reading the subsequent novels in single sittings, doing HP trivia with friends, or watching the movies with the same friends and crying our eyes out. Or worst of all, remembering the feeling I had, upon not receiving my Hogwarts notification when I was 11.
Harry Potter has and continues to be a great part of my childhood and without doubt, millions of children and teenagers across the globe today. As J.K. Rowling said in her speech at the premiere, the legend that is Harry Potter does not end with this movie, but lives on in readers' hearts forever.

It's been a great ride, potter heads! Mischief managed :)